Activity 3: Calendar

  • In a global project, it is necessary to know the main characteristics of each country and continents. So, for this activity we collected the best that students could give in the form of different drawings. After doing so we created a unique product that will last forever...

    Students create pictures of famous landmarks, attractions or even countries from around the world. A selection of pictures from all the schools was used to create the calendar.

    Why do the activity – To know different characteristics of the countries.

    The activity was done in: October and November.






    Some photos of the process in Mérida (Spain). Creating our drawings and collaborating with USA´s drawings


    Some photos of the process in India



    Some photos of the process in Villa del Prado, Madrid (Spain).


    Some photos of the process in the USA.


    Taiwan students making drawings for the calendar.



    Cypriot students began to create their calendar pictures.