The middle school is situated in Le Lamentin, Martinique. It's a modern school, offering students good conditions of study; teacher’s equipment’s to match their educational ambitions, all staff with good working facilities. A SEGPA (Section of Adapted General and professional Education) and an ULIS (Unit of Connection and School Integration) are connected with the middle school. The middle school / SEGPA / ULIS welcome 807 pupils for 33 whole divisions. - 28 divisions for the college: 7 classes of 3rd (14years), 7 classes of 4th (13 years), 7 classes of 5th (12 years) and 6 classes of 6th (11 years) - 4 divisions for the SEGPA (General and Adapted education Section) - 1 ULIS (Localized Unit for School Inclusion) There are fifty-nine professors. Students are between 10 to 16 years. The establishment also benefits from the services of : 1 doctor, 1 nurse, 2 foreign language assistants (English and Spanish) As we are located rather far away from European areas, the students would benefit greatly from such a project through which they will get to know other parts of Europe and get into touch with people from other nationalities. Even though we Europeans people barely know European country as we can see in our current project! We are six colleagues that have agreed to join to an Erasmus project in order to work together over an interdisciplinary transnational curricula to improve our teaching practice because students are motivated when they are meeting international schools. If one or two leave their post: a new colleague would like to integrate the team, we are sure about this because we used to work with all the school together. Our students and teachers would like to expand their cultural and language knowledge among member of the European Union. Our responsibility is not only on the teaching-learning process but we have also concentrated our efforts on issues like team building, tradition, morals, human sympathy and emotional development. We are deeply convinced that this has always been and will be in the future the best letter of recommendation for students. Having those wonderful exchanges with ERASMUS project provides to our students something more than academic knowledge: Something to remember, something that will keep us part of EU. To ensure the professional development of teachers’ skills during this project we would like to innovate our school's curriculum.