Logo-Mascot contest

  • ACTIVITY P2_LessonPlan.docx




    Logos and Mascots are used to identify and personify the values and characteristics of company brands, sport teams or projects like ours.

    The logo and mascot design should fit well with our project theme and concept so they can efficiently represent the project since they are viewed by all stakholders

    That's why designing and chosing  a logo and a mascot to represent the partnership and the project is a very effective way to involve pupils increasing their motivation and to enhncing their sense of belonging.

    The activity was carried out in two phases:

    Phase 1 

    a) First of all pupils had to know in detail everything about the project (finality, aims  and contents), then they investigated the structure of the partnership (countries, cities and kind of school)
    b) In each scholl some logos and mascots of famous companies have ben analysed and pupils have understood the features and functions of them.
    3) They designed individually or in team working a logo and a mascot representing the project with different techniques.
    4) The most valuable products  have been selected  In each school according to the criteria of originality, creativity and communicative value.

    Phase 2
    During the LTTA (C2) in Italy each delegation carryed their best logo and mascot. The project logo and mascot have been chosen through a contest in which a jury composed by the delegates of each school plus two teachers and four italian pupils .



