Activity 2: What makes our parents/families happy?

  • Project Classes work on the topic of

    "happiness" in relation to "the people I love"  

    Warm -up : Children take a look at  pictures depicting happy families and they guess what is the reason they are happy The pictures are used for educational purposes (they belong to, they cannot be published and they are collected in the TwinBoard below. 

    Step 1: Pupils watch the video subtitled in their own language or the teachers explain it to them  (Videos: Hard Times with Greek subtitles) [documentation: photos odf children watching the video]

    Step 2: Pupils answer the following questions in class in their native language

    (Natassa, Special Teacher suggests the following questions but teachers should feel free to add more questions )

    (α)What did I like about the story? Why?

    (b)I think of events or situations that have made my family unhappy and the solutions we have worked out so that we can be happy again.

    (c) which of the reasons that meade the main character of the story unhappy would make your family unhappy, too? What solution would your family come up with? How would you solve the problem?

    (d) Can you tell the class briefly/write of an event or situation that happened to friends or relatives and made YOU unhappy?

    (e) Can you suggest another way for the child on the video to face the "unhappy situation"?

     Step 3: What makes my parents happy? What makes my family happy?


    1. Teachers brainstorm with children in class. Then the pupils discuss it with parents at home. They report their paretns' answers in class and the class teacher makes a list of the things that make parents happy. Each class teacher contributes answers to a Google doc. The Google doc is used to create a questionnaire entitled " What makes my family happy?" (all the children's suggestions are shared in the TwinSpace and included in the Google form ) 

    2. Teachers print out the questionnaires and the children complete them at home with their parents.

    3. Each child does one of the options in the questionnaire that his/her parents tick. They take a photo of the child doing the activity making sure the child's face is not very clear. OR the children draw what makes their families happy

    4. Teachers collect photos and drawings on the TwinBoard below. Remember to add "What can you do to make your family happy?" e.g.Turkey : I can help my mum set the table. (They take a photo of the child doing the activity making sure the child's face is not very clear. Without the name of the pupil for eSafety reasons)

    Google doc to add your pupils' answers

    Google form for project families to complete

    Project parents participate in the activity by completing the Google form with their children (see below the first stack of completed forms)

    Project parents also take photos of their families being happy together. Project children also contribute drawings of their happy families and an eBook of "Happy Families" is created.

    Project pupils  add their photos and drawings on the TwinBoard  Deadline: February 28th

    The TwinBoard includes 

    1. material used in class such as a lesson plan & royalty free images of happy families 
    2. photos of project classes doing the Activity 2 as described above
    3. photos of project children working on Activity 2 in the ICT room 
    4. photos of happy families taken by project parents
    5. drawings of happy families made by the children
    6. the children's answers in a wordcloud

    Check the TwinBoard using the relevant umber above e.g. for children's drawings look for items with number 5 at the beginning 

  • What makes a family happy/What makes your family happy

    1. Family Happiness

    Material used for educational purposes

    1. Family Happiness

    Material used for educational purposes

    1.Family Happiness

    Material used for educational purposes

    1. Family Happiness

    Material used for educational purposes

    1.Family Happiness

    Material used for educational purposes

    1. Lesson plan for Activity 2
    6. What makes my family happy

    children's answers in a wordcloud

    6. what makes my family happy

    kids' answers animated

    5. Students' drawings of what makes their family happy
    2. Students watching video 'Hard Times'

    4th Primary School of Kaisariani

    4. What makes my family happy photos

    set the table

    4.what makes my family happy photos

    celebrate birthdays

    4. Going to the funfair together
    4. Playing snowball
    2. Doing Activity 2 in class

    in Helioupolis

    2. Doing activity 2 in class
    2. Doing Activity 2 in class
    5. drawings of their happy families

    made by the children

    3. Project children working on Activity 2

    in the ICT room

    Google form results

    69% of parents are happy when their children are happy and smiling
    62.9% are happy when the children are healthy
    58% of parents are happy when families spend time together