
  • Introduction

    Project Description

    Project children work on human values. Using children’s books and visual material available on YouTube, teachers aim at developing the learners’ emotional intelligence and self-awareness. After exploring the feelings of happiness and gratitude in themselves and members of their families (mainly their parents), young children identify and seize opportunities of social value. More specifically, they identify social problems (in the world or in the local community) and implement innovative solutions using creativity, imagination and potentially online tools. Thus, the project aims at developing young learners' self-awareness and fostering the entrepreneurial capacity of 7-year-olds by addressing core values in social entrepreneurship such as “empathy”.

    The project has had an overwhelming impact

    • on the participating children nurturing a mindset of gratitude and social accountability,
    • on the three participating schools through involving the students' families in the activities and
    • on the three local communities through contributing to local institutions. 

    Project Outline

    Initially, project classes try to get to know each other and get ready for the main activities through familiarizing themselves with eSafety issues and the project's sub-themes of feelings, mainly happiness and gratitude, and human relationships. After finding out what makes them happy in general (Activity 1) but also at PE (Be happy at PE), project children try to find out what makes their families (particularly their parents) happy (Activity 2). The final stage of their work involves researching what makes the world and the local community (Activity 3) and setting a Happiness Enterprise to produce ... happiness!

    On the TwinSpace of our project the visitor can find our Project Logo, the Digital Results of our work, our Dissemination activities, samples of the Teachers' Communication and the Evaluation submitted by pupils and teachers of the three participating schools. 

    A pedagogically innovative project

    The project is innovative in its topic, i.e. social entrepreneurship by young children. Project teachers justify below the project's innovative quality.