00 Project schedule




    SALT “Sharing And Learning Together”


    cultural heritage




    Years 9-12


    English as a foreign language


    12 months



    Basic skills


    Mother language


    Learn to learn




    Social and civic


    Mathematics, science, technology


    Initiative and entrepreneurship




    Cultural expression

    Objectives and final products expected



    • OBJECTIVE 1 (O1): Train the participating teachers in the best practices of each center (eTwinning, inclusion, new pedagogies and use of ICT / TAC) and incorporate them into their teaching practice.

    • OBJECTIVE 2 (O2): Increase competences in linguistic, social and civic communication, digital and cultural awareness and expressions of students through their participation in an eTwinning project on Cultural Heritage in the English language.

    • OBJECTIVE 3 (O3): Increase the European Dimension of the educational community of partner schools, creating a network of centers with common interests that establish synergies to develop future KA229 projects.

    • OBJECTIVE 4 (O4): Achieve a European eTwinning quality seal by meeting the 6 criteria (pedagogical innovation, curricular integration, communication and information exchange, collaboration between centers, use of technology and results, impact and documentation) of the rubrics of the Spanish National eTwinning Support System for the National Quality Seal. Achieve certification of each partner school with the ETWINNING SCHOOL seal. Obtain the EYCH Seal (European Year of Cultural Heritage) of the European Year of Cultural Heritage.




    Personal presentations, logo, answergarden, infographics (genially or powerpoint), videos, presentations on typical festivities, gastronomy, cultural diversity, etc. Evaluations using Google Forms. At the end of the project (or at the beginning of next school year if there isn’t time), an eTwinning Corner will be produced in each center to visualize the activities and products carried out.





    Contribution to the achievement of key competences:


    The project will contribute to the development in the students of:


    1. Competence in linguistic communication. Use of their own language or a foreign language to express ideas and interact with other people orally or in written form..

    2. Digital competence. Use of different ICT tools to obtain, analyze, produce and exchange information in the design and implementation of project activities.

    3. Learn to learn. When designing project activities, students develop their capacity to start learning and persist in it, organize tasks and time, and work individually or collaboratively to achieve the objectives.

    4. Social and civic competences. Relationships between students from different centers, active participation, and democratic design and choice of project activities.

    5. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. Convert ideas into actions, creativity and ability to take risks and plan and manage projects.

    6. Awareness and cultural expressions. Originality and creativity in the design of the project activities, which must also be related to other subjects such as music, visual and performing arts or literature.


    Curriculum integration:


    In the subject of Science of the partner schools, we intend to work on the following curriculum items:

    • Usage of ICT to elaborate, communicate and disseminate info.

    • Knowledge of internet and using basic apps.


    In the subject of English as a Foreign Language of the Spanish school, the following curriculum items are intended to work:

    ● Development of communicative competence in English.

    ● Approach to both Irish and Maltese cultures through work in international groups with foreign students.


    Methodologies and work processes


    Among the teachers: Communication via email to agree among all and considering the opinions of the students, the type of activities (i.e.. The results from the AnswerGarden activity were used to define the next activity dealing with monuments), the timing and the evaluation of them. The activities are evaluated within the subjects (i.e. the products and the initiative of the students in the projects activities are evaluated as part of the class observance item in the subject) so that the students are asked for a constant and quality work in the project.


    Among the students: A variety of activities have been programmed that include collaborative work in national or international groups (students collaborating to deliver a product) and individual (specific tasks carried out autonomously by each student).


    At all times it has been tried that the project is participative and the activities arise from the interests of the students. It also always specifies the timing, the form of evaluation and the objective of each task, so that the students are responsible for the results obtained and know the deadlines.


    Main activities and types of tools planned

    00 Programming of the project - This document has been agreed with the contributions of the three professors participating in the project and has been updated throughout its life, incorporating the relevant modifications.



    01 Initial activities - Weeks 40 to 43. A padlet is presented with the dissemination of the project that has been carried out in each country, both to the educational community and to the families.

    Within this point, three sections have been included: Spain- who we are, Malta- who we are and Ireland- Who we are. Within each section each country has uploaded a picture of the students so that they can get to know each other and face each other, and, in addition, individual PowerPoints have been uploaded in the materials option where each student has spoken a little himself, hobbies, family ...



    02 Spanish mobility - Week 46. In this section we upload the info  from the Spanish mobility where we received the visit from  the partners, Malta and Ireland, to Spain to make an exchange of good practices in our educational center. In this activity we created a padlet with all the agreements regarding the project such as the documents and the agenda of activities and photos about the dissemination of this first mobility.



    03 Logo - Weeks 47 to 49. Individual activity. Students are asked individually to make a logo that could serve as an image of our project. All the students of each reference class of the three countries make a logo. Once all the class has delivered those logos we make a contest where you get the three-finalist logos of each country. Once these logos have been selected, they are uploaded to our eTwinning space and all countries make a vote until we get a single winning logo.



    04 What's on your mind? - Weeks 47 to 48. In this collaborative activity we will divide the students into international groups. Each group will have their place of work where they will use the "Answergarden" tool. Helped by the teachers, each student group will define what words are related to cultural heritage for them, they will exchange this knowledge with the partners and agree on what words to upload to the AnswerGarden. The results from this activity will help to align the future activities with the students interests.


    05 Come sing with me - Weeks 3 to 8. Cooperative Activity. In this activity we will show our international partners a traditional song from our countries. We will record a video where we will sing the song so that they learn more about the memories of our children and it will be a fun way to learn a little about different languages and cultures. In addition, in one of the countries (Spain) the parents of our students have participated.

    To do this, we have uploaded these videos to YouTube and then, we have posted them in our eTwinning space.


    06 More than just a picture - Weeks 10 to 14. Collaborative Activity. In this section we will divide the classes into groups to carry out a cultural activity. Using the PhotoSpeak application we will give life to different sculptures and animals. Thanks to this, we will learn a little more about the culture of other countries and we will meet emblematic people from each country.



    07 Visit amazing places - Weeks 16 to 19. The objective of this activity is to appreciate different important places in all countries. Students will learn about the culture of each country and enjoy the view of our wonderful cities.

    We will use the iMovie application to create videos of our corners and the application genially for presentations. Once finished we will upload it to YouTube and then share it in our eTwinning space.



    08 Different yet similar - Weeks 21 to 23. In this activity we want to show a little more about our cities and countries. The students will work in different important festivals, gastronomic themes, fauna ... They will do it using PowerPoints or Genially that will be hanging on an international padlet to show it to our Maltese and Irish colleagues in the eTwinning space.


    09 Evaluation - Week 24. At the end of the project, the degree of achievement of the objectives of the project, the impact on the students and the reflections of the families and the teachers about its development will be evaluated via a Google Forms survey whose results will be uploaded to the TwinSpace.



    Evaluation, monitoring and dissemination




    Initial - The project is communicated to the educational communities of the partner centers during the start-up meetings with families and between teachers.

    Intermediate- Throughout the project, using the communication channels of each center, the development of this and the activities that are being carried out are reported.

    Final - Through the eTwinning corner in each center where the acquired learning and the results of the activities are visible. At the choice of each center, press releases can be prepared and sent to local newspapers.




    Initial - Through the agreements reached by the partner faculty to generate this document that serves as a guide for the activities.

    Intermediate- After the implementation of each activity, communication via email is maintained to discuss the development of each point. Teachers through permanent contact can modify the activity if we see that it has not been well programmed or the timing has not been adequate.

    Final - At the end of the project the degree of achievement of the objectives of the project, the impact on the students and the reflections of the teachers and families about its development will be evaluated through surveys to families, teachers and participating students that will be public in the page dedicated to evaluation in the TwinSpace.





    The activity is monitored through continuous communication between the teachers involved through mail.