
  • Stadtroda

    On Monday the 6th of May, we started with a regular school day. We walked or went by bus together to school and spent the first two lessons in our classes e.g art class, religion and/ or German. 
    After that the Norwegian students gave some presentations about their country and school in front of most German students and also the class representatives of our school. After some questions we headed off to the bus station to drive to Jena once again. 
    There, we went to the Carl-Zeiss quarters and started with a presentation about the history of the institution. One of the employees showed us some of the products of Zeiss, i.e. microscopes. 
    Then, we split into a German and English guided tour to show us the production facilities while explaining the inidvidual production processes in detail. When we finished our tour after appoxomately two and a half hours, we left the Zeiss quarters and had some free time. 
    We met at 3:00 pm at the Jentower to visit the 360° viewing platform. Up there, we had a very nice view and the students from Germany gave some presentations about Jena about the sights that were detectable. 
    We ended our day with a campfire at Emily’s home as well as pizza which already had had become a tradition as we ate pizza at least once a day since the Norwegians arrived. 

    Here are some more information about Zeiss (Ausbildung und Duales Studium - apprenticeship and integrated degree program).

    Our group in front of the Zeiss building just before the tour.

    Our future options at Zeiss.

    Checking out the magic.  



    Tag 5: TU Ilmenau

    Am Montag besuchten wir vormittags die TU Ilmenau. Zuerst stellte Stephan Fischer uns die Universität in einem sehr informativen Vortrag vor und informierte uns vor allem über Möglichkeiten für Studenten aus dem Ausland in Ilmenau. Sowohl der Vortrag als auch die anschließende Führung waren in englischer Sprache. Während unseres Rundgangs stellte man uns den Campus der Universität und die unterschiedlichen Fakultäten und Wohnheime vor. Am Nachmittag besuchten wir die AWM-AG im Arnstädter Industriegebiet. Der Vorstand Dr. ing. Scharn stellte uns das Unternehmen in einem interessanten Vortrag vor und besichtigte anschließend mit uns das Firmengelände.
    Maximilian Scharn, Mattis Voigt