
  • Stadtroda

    On Friday, the third of May, we met at 8am at the train station in Stadtroda to drive to Jena. After our arrival approximately half an hour later, we walked to the area of the Schott company. Our tour guide Isabell awaited us there, and started the tour by showing us around. After that we listened to a presentation held by Mr Vogl, a worker from Schott. He presented several job opportunities to us, also suitable for foreign students, such as CEOs, scientists working on new formulas, workers that negotiate with the customer, as well as a variety of workers that produce the actual glass. Then we looked at the production process of one of the glass types. During that tour, we got a better insight into the production process, especially the extreme temperatures at the working place impressed us, and we really liked the cars they used. (They looked like mini monster trucks if you wondered ;))

    After that, we went on a long walk to Imaginata where we also had a tour guide presenting the exhibition to us whilst explaining the physical processes that those exhibits were showing. The big piano was everybody’s absolute favorite, and of course the dark room as well that gave us all beautifully-colored bruises. 

    When the two and a half hour tour was finished, we used the remainder of our time to buy some groceries before we went home. 

    We were given some theory before exploring the production line.

    Do it yourself! or Learning by doing! - That's how we explored the field of science.



    Tag 2: Ausflug nach Erfurt

    Am Morgen des zweiten Projekttags erwartete uns, stellvertretend für den Bürgermeister Frank Spilling, Frau Martina Lange im Rathaus der Stadt Arnstadt, um uns einen Einblick in die Geschichte und Kultur der Stadt zu gewähren. Dabei lernten nicht nur die norwegischen Austauschschüler verschiedene Seiten von Arnstadt kennen, sondern auch auch die deutschen Projektteilnehmer erfuhren Neues über ihre Heimat. Im Anschluss folgte ein Ausflug nach Erfurt. Bei einer Campusführung an der dortigen Universität wurden unter anderem verschiedene Studienmöglichkeiten vorgestellt. Ein von den deutschen Schülern organisierter Stadtrundgang stellte ein nachmittagsfüllendes Programm dar. Bei einem gemeinsamen Abendessen im “Waldkasino” ließen wir den sowohl aufregenden als auch anstrengenden Tag in entspannter Weise ausklingen.
    Ida Graichen, Tabea Hahn