
    Students who took part in the LTTA in Romania and Poland gave interviews to their colleagues which were shared with our partners in the etwinning project Movies!Let's create our own TV channel.

    Dissemination of our project in the Annual eTwinning Visibility Newsletter. This time I wrote about the games and content our students created and about new methods and approaches, teaching and learning materials we all designed - page 75

    Some of our students offered some insight into the idea of students as protagonists for the LE eTwinning Schools - students as protagonists, that took place in June-July 2020. One of the 2 experts leading the course was Loredana Popa and she also offered examples from our LD5 to the participants.

    eTwinning events - March - creative writing, learning tools and games and methods designed by our teams of students and teachers - Popa Loredana

    We tested some of the ideas we came up during LD5 in our first meeting in the project Let's shapen our minds and enrich our lives by creating a European TV channel. The first meeting was a teacher training held in our school in November 2019. Some of the ideas we disseminated to them were:

    - literary characters meet - teacher Muscalu Mirela

    - board games, transdisciplinary ones, created by our students, like the Biology evaluation game in English - teacher Nacu Adelina

    - book presentations (our students saw this during the LTTA in Poland) - teacher Muscalu Mirela


    eTwinning event in november 2019 about the project and creative writing. Presenting the trading cards.

    Our project in the annual etwinning visibility newsletter:

    Visibility of eTwinning projects - Annual Newsletter

    Our project meeting in Romania, on the site of the county school inspectorate:


    Our students presented our project and the short exchange of students from March in front of inspectors and school headmasters from France and got them to try the creative writing kit and invent a story on the spot and say it (April 2nd 2019).

    Presenting some of our workshops in Romania and the idea of mixed teams, student-led activities at the webinar for the newly awarded eTwinning schools.

    Presentation of our twinspace at the local and national competition for final products of European projects, Made for Europe, march - april 2019.



    Presentation of our twinspace and project in front of the prefect, students, teachers, media, school inspectors, local community - 9th May, celebrating Europe's Day at the Prefect's Office. We received the invitation because the student and our twinspace got 3rd place at the national phase of Made for Europe, which took place in Cluj and where the best projects and products from every county in Romania competed and were presented in an interactive way by students.


    The county school inspectorate's news on the celebration of 9th of May and the projects presented at the Prefect's Office.


    Disseminated our project 4 times since July:

    - Monitoring eTwinning Schools meeting - Brussels - July 1st

    - etwinning workshop - best practice for integrating etwinning into the curriculum - July 19th, activity organised by the School Inspectorate

    - EDL day 

    - Meeting with all the project managers in the county (around 65) - the annual meeting organised by the School Inspectorate

    About the project in our local newspaper

    Learning from others

    One fine day, April 30th, students from Simono Dacho progymnasium came to our school. Our children presented them learning tools, which were created for the Erasmus+ project and which can be used in different ways. Guests were inspired and got new ideas how to create their own learning tools to learn English language in a different way. They left with a smile and very good ideas for their own way of learning.


    Project lessons

    Students, who participated in Erasmus+ LD5 international teaching learning mobility in Romania, shared their gained experience by conducting lessons to 5a, 5d, and 7e class pupils. During these lessons, 5th and 7th grade students not only were acquainted with mobility activities, but also tested one method and two IT programs themselves. The lessons were really colorful: Students created interesting stories, tested their knowledge of Lithuanian language. What is more - the young teachers gained a very interesting and useful experience.








    National educational institutions “Project Fair 2019” was held in Gedminai progymnasium on 19th February.  The fair was really fruitful – there were 97 projects presented. Students, teachers and various education related individuals from educational institutions creatively presented school, national, international (Erasmus+,  eTwinning, Nordplus) project activities enriching school life and the whole process of education. Participants innovatively showed their designed products, demonstrated how they are continuing their project activities which have already ended. All the participants shared joyful mood, got new ideas, teachers and students discussed the success of the project, the impact on the institution community, funds, programs and partner search as well as project application and the whole project implementation. 



    Klaipėda city schools‘ forum  „ERASMUS+ projects: possibilities, experience, the benefits of educational change“ took place at Klaipėda Baltijos gymnasium on the 6th of February. Agnė Gečaitė, 7e grade student and Asta Jankauskienė presented all „Erasmus+“ project "Learning Differently!".



    November 15, 2008 our school celebrated the "Erasmus+" project day. On the occasion of this event, students of the project prepared questions about ongoing projects, so other students had the opportunity to learn more about them. Everybody was curiously looking for answers and finally awarded with sweets.  


    Parent‘s Meeting  of  participants of the project was held on the 25th, October in progymnasium. Parents wrote their expectations, related with their children‘s participation in a project, they also played interactive game „What do I know about this project?“. Later, project coodinator Asta Jankauskienė made a detailed presentation of project aims, activities, fulfilling aspects, goals and results, answered all questions.

    We hope, such warm communicative and collaborative connection will last during this poject.

    Elementary school Pušća Erasmus team shared their experience of participating in international projects with the teachers of Ivana Brlić Mažuranić Elementary School in Prigorje Brdovečko. Our Erasmus team gave a lecture on January 25, 2019 to all the teachers interested in European projects. The team familiarized the group with the program offered by theAgency for Mobility and EU Programmes. We talked about the procedure for applying for the projects, how to manage project budget and finances, and mentioned the activities, strategies and methods that will help them to achieve the desired outcomes. We also discussed how to integrate the projects into the teaching process and mentioned all the benefits to our students and all other participants.


    Zaprešićki špigl - about the project in our local newspaper


    The article about LTTA Lithuania on our school webpage.


    Training for teachers after visiting Lithuania

    At the end of January our linguistic teachers took part in the training concerning different methods and activities that we saw during our mobility in Lithuania. The most interesting thing turned out to be interactive cubes ”iMO” and the presentation of their usage in the classroom. Our teachers were also interested in using “Bee Bot” robot in the classroom which uses coding and programming.



    Our students created some trading cards with their favourite book or movie character.




















    The team from the Second Primary School "Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov", who participated in the mobility in Romania, introduced the teachers, presenting a presentation about the project activities

    The shared experience was applied in Bulgarian and English, Mathematics, Technology and Information Technology.

    The students who participated in the mobility told their 5, 6, 7 grade classmates about what they were learning, and the information was used to work with parents to create online applications and share them in a classroom.

    Project team members participate in an ETwinning training platform to make successful future applications for European projects and their successful implementation.

    Mobility information has been disseminated to the flyer community that students have created and disseminated.


