Online story cubes - storytelling



    Storytelling, LD5  LTTA Croatia


    Once upon a time there was a tired boy...

    After hard and hot day in the desert searching for oasis...

    After a long day of walking in the desert he found an abandoned hospital.

    He met there a woodcutter who told him to...

    Go away from the Abandoned Hospital. He claims he has seen ghosts and is too scared to go back in anytime soon.

    He was so scared he wet his pants ,but then he met the forest scary ghost.

    The ghost wanted to trade but suddenly a huge octopus came out from the lake...

    The ghost get's interrupted and it gets MAD!

    It starts attacking the woodcutter taking his pinky finger's bone and making it glow.

    The bone ascends to the sky and so does the octopus , it goes up so high , nobody can see it. 

    The ghost says sorry to the woodcutter and tells him that it was necessary for him to defeat the octopus.

    The woodcutter is just too scared to argue so he walks away and tells the kid this weird moment.