4.2. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

  • On the occasion of the international day against the violence of women, the pupils in class III A (secondary school) of the IC3 "Don Bosco- Francesco D'Assisi", went to a local library and, guided by their Italian teacher and by the owner of the library, have analyzed the gender stereotypes in our society, starting from the Disney fairy tales up to the advertising sports.

    After reading some paragraphs extrapolated by several books on the subject, they expressed their ideas and told personal stories.

    Family and women conference at "Don Bosco-D'Assisi" school

    In order to raise awareness among school staff and students on the issue of women's violence, the school has organized a conference with experts such as: a geneticist, a psychotherapist, the councilor for youth policies and the mayor of the city. Some secondary classses took part to this event to be informed about episodes of violence against women, possible causes and give them the tools to defend themselves or other women.


    25N in 2019 Concentration in Institut Joan Solà To Stop Violence against women

    (Click in the best picture to see the speech video - Text in Catalan)


    In 25N 2020 we met in Institut Joan Solà in solidarity against sexist violence against women. We organised it in age groups, to avoid joining too many students at a time. We read a text about what do we remember this day and we created human ribbons to symbolise our fight against sexist violence.