WHO'S WHO by the French team

  • 3E class

    Hello my name is Albert I’m tall and

    I'm on the right of Eloi and he has his elbow on my shoulders

    Hey ! My name is Alexane, on the picture I am in front of the class, on the left and I am crouching with my friends. ^-^


    First, I am of medium-height, I am not plump but not slim and I have an oval face. I have a pale complexion. We can’t notice it on the picture but I have beauty spots and freckles. I have brown eyes and I have a medium-long brown hair, and a fringe. We can’t see what I am wearing because my friend, who is wearing a blouse, is in front of me.


    Finally, On the picture, I am smiling. I am on the left of the rest of the class and near the door. I am crouching.


    Did you find me ?


    Hello, my name is Arzu.

    First, on the picture, I’m sitting on the left. I’m in front of Mélissa, she is the girl in front of the white bord under the photo with the Queen. Mathieu is between on me and Clément. I’m not between number thirteen and number seventeen.


    After that, on the picture I wearing glasses, a blue watch, a white pullover and blue jeans.

    I am slim and medium-height. I have brown eyes and long and dark hair with a ponytail.

    I don’t have any earrings and make-up.


    Finally, on the picture I am standing up, my left arm is bent and my right hand is under my chin.


    What number am I?



    Hi, my name is Burak, First, I am on the right on the picture, I am on the left of maxence, I am behind Zoé and I am in front of the wall. I don't behind Eloi


    I have pixie cut hair, I have oval brown eyes, I have straight nose. On the picture, I wearing a glasses. I wearing black pullover.


    I am tall and slim, I am not stitting. I am smilling



    Hello, my name is Clément G.,

    First I am wearing a white sweat and I am wearing a black tracksuit with three bands. I have got a grey watch on my left hand.

    Next, I have got messy and brown hair. I make a sad face on this picture but in fact I am a very happy boy but you can’t see that on the photo.

    Finally, I am between two boys,

    Behind me you can see a girl above everybody. I’m not next to Albert.

    Where am I?



    My name is Clement R., I’m thirteen years old. I’m French, I live in Sedan and in Champigny. I study at college Paulette Billa in Tinqueux. I love play handball. It’s my passion. I’m in class 10th. In this class there are two people named Clement.


    On the picture, I have my hand on my face like Eloi. But I have my hand on the head of the man who is in front of me. I don’t look at the camera. I don’t wear a blue jacket. I have a medium height, I’m slim. I have an oval face, and I don’t have curly brown hair but I have green eyes.


    On the Picture, I’m front of Maxence, he’s in front of the board. I’m next the tall man with a red sweat. I’m not near Sydney. I’m not in front of Gabriel. He’s not very tall. He wears a sweat “adidas”.


    Where am I?

    My name is Eloi.


    First, I’m between Maxence and Albert. I’m behind Florent and Clément. I’m in the last row. Florent has a red pullover. And next to me is not Sydney. But I’m on the left of Simon.


    Then, I am tall and I am not fat. I wear glasses. I have small brown eyes. My hair is browm and my hair is pixie cut. I’m wearing a white sweater. My jacket is a jacket of PSG, a big French football club.


    Finally, on the picture, I am celebrating a well-known football player: Paulo Dybala. The player plays in Juventus team. I make a sign with my fingers. My fingers make a comma and connect my two cheeks passing over my mouth.


    Hi, my name is Emilien, I am 13 years old.

    I am not tall and slim. I have blue-grey eyes and I have Pixie cut blond hair. I have a oval and happy face and small nose. I am smilling.


    I have orange rectangulare glasses and I wear a black pullover. I don’t have any cap.


    I am near a tall man. He wear a red pullover.

    I am under another man. He is laughing. I bear this man.

    I am next to Clément, he wear a white pullover.


    Where I am ?

    Good luck for search me!


    Hello my name is Florent, I am boy, I am tall and slim. I have oval face, small eyes and pixie cut blond hair and a little nose. I wear not glasses. I wear a red suit and bleu jean. My hands are in the pocket. I am little happy. I am standing I am behind Matisse and I am in from of Simons and Albert. I am in the center in the picture. My number is odd.

    If you have found, bravo and thank you to have played.



    First my name is gabriel D. ,A live in saint brice ,I’m small , I’m siting on the table ,I have short aire, I was to the right de picture


    Then on the left of matisse and on the right of zoe . I have an addidas goutand my friend but his hand on my head


    Finaly I have not in front florant


    Good bye


    Hello the students,


    First, my name is Gabriel R., I’m 13 years old.

    I’m medium and slim, I have got oval brown-green eyes and I have got pixie cut blond hair. I have got an oval and enjoyable face and a straight nose. I don’t wear glasses but I have got tooth braces and I’m wearing yellow-brown trousers.


    After that, I’m on a friend, his name is Emilien, he wear rectangular glasses, he has got pixie cut blond hair like me and a dark blue pull-over, we are laughing and you can notice it on the picture.


    Finally, I’m in front of Maxime who wears glasses and I’m near Florent who doesn’t wears glasses but he is wearing a red pull-over.


    Which number am I ? Good luck to find me !


    My name is Ines, First I’m at next to the radiator, I’m on the table and on the right of Zoe. I am at the opposite of number two.

    Then I have a wavy brown hair, an oval face and a green eyes but we don’t see them in the photo.
    I am medium-height and I am not fat. I am wearing a blue jacket and a black a pair of jeans.

    Finally on the picture I’m sitting on a table, I have a handbag black on my knees, I look at the ground and I am do not smiling.



    My name is Lea. First I wear grey pullover and black jeans. I have dark blond and long hair. I am medium.


    Then I’m not sad I’m happy.


    Finally I’m at between Clement and Mathieu, I am front of Romane and I am on the left of Lena. I’m not behind Arzu. I am not sitting.


    Hello , my name is Léna:


    First , on the picture I’m between Mélissa and Léa , I’m behind number 5 , I’m on the left of Léa , I’m on the right of mélissa . Mélissa is behind number 2 . I am hidden , do not be mistaken ! I am not next to Burak and number 18 .


    Then , on the picture I am wearing jeans and a pullover , I have a ponytail and my hair is wavy . And I have glasses . Be careful ! On the picture you can’t see my clothes , Mélissa wearing a red t-shirt and a black tracksuit , in the picture she is smiling .


    Finally , on the picture I am hidden. I am smiling but you didn’t see , Mélissa put is arm on me . But I am not number 21 . A number 5 is behind of me , wear a black t-shirt and this friends wear a white pullover .



    First, Hi ! My name is Margot. I am in front of everyone and on the left of the photo. I’m behind my friend, who isn’t standing.


    Then, I am of medium-height and I am not plump and neither slim. I have not short blond hair and I have freckles. I have got brown eyes. I wear a pink waistcoat, black leggings and grey trainers.


    And Finally, I’m not standing, I am crouching with my friends in front of the class, near the door. I’m smiling !


    Where I am ? Can you find me ?



    Heya, I’m Mathéo. I’m in front of the board. I’m watching another way. I am not smiling. I’m behind Emilien and Clement end between Romane and Gabriel.


    First, I wear glasses and I’m wearing a dark blue pullover without hood (it’s my collar…).

    Next, I have dark brown short pixie cut hair, brown oval eyes. I’m tall and plump, I have a hooked nose, an oval face and I’m young. My skin is rather spotty. I haven’t any freckles or wrinkles.


    Finally, I am doing the silly boy and I am not looking at the camera because I am talking with another guy and my eyes are closed. My collar is on my head because I don’t have a hood….

    It’s a style.



    I think you can find me with all of hints.



    Hello guys :


    First, I’m Mathieu, you will find me between to people who have a same color sweet-shirt. I give you a hint: I’m stand up next to the door.


    Then, I wear a black t-shirt whit a silver cock and a black tracksuit but you cant see that on the photo but you can see my feet under Margot. This cock is one symbol of France. I wear glasses and I have a wick to right of the photo. I don’t wearing a sweet-shirt


    Finally, I give you a last hint for find me on the picture : I form a cross with my arms and I’m smiling. That not all, I can also tell you than my hand who is pointing the door, form a cisors.


    So ? You find me ???


    My name is Matisse,


    I am between Sydney and Gabriel. I’m Behind Florent. Florent has a red pullover. I am not standing up.


    I am not small and i am not fat. I wear not glasses. My hair is red. I wear tracksuit and black pullover. My hair is short.


    In the picture, My hands in my pocket and i am not smile in the picture.


    Hello my name is Maxence, I’m a boy. First, on the picture, I’m in front of the board and I’m between Eloi and Burak.

    Then, on the picture, I’m smilling and I am doing the Kylian Mbappe celebration but you can’t see this on the picture. I’m standing.

    On the picture, I am wearing a white pullover, grey trousers and grey shoes. I have glasses but I’m not wearing this on the picture.

    Finally, I’m tall, slim. I have blue eyes, I have a hooked nose and I have brown bob hair. I have ears but you can’t see this because my hair hide my ears on the picture.

    My name is Maxime, I’m fourteen years old, I’m French, I live in Tinqueux. I study at college Paullette Billa in Tinqueux. I like handball, football and fortnite a lot.


    On the picture, I wear glasses, We can't see me a lot. I'm hidden. JJJHJHJBHB


    On the picture, I’m behind Gabriel Remy and Florent, I’m in front of Simon, I’m on the right of Albert, I’m not next to Sydney.



    My name is Melissa ,First I wear a red t-shirt ,a black jacket ,a black leggins. My hair is brown ,I have a ponytail ,I have oval brown eyes ,,my face is oval ,I am medium ,I do not have glasses.


    Then ,on the picture I’m not sad ,I am leaning on the number 4.


    Finally ,I am not next to Camille. I am on the right of Lena and in front of the white board and poster ,I’m behind Arzu and Mathieu.



    My name is Romane, the fisrt I have a black tee-shirt, blue and whrite jacket. I am short.


    Then, Iam in front of the wall. I am behind Lea and Melissa is on the rigth of me. I am on the rigth of the Matheo. I am not behind Sydney.


    Finally, I am standing on a chair because I am the smallest of the class. I looking at the floor.  


    My name is Salomé. I am young. I am of normal build and i am tall. I have brown, steep and long. I have an oval face. I have green, brown and blue oval eyes. I have a straight nose and a thin lips. I have a small mouth.

    I wear a skirt white and black, a blue jeans and white trainers.

    I am on the left and in front of in the picture. I am sitting with friends.

    I am smiling.



    My name is Simon. First on the picture I am under the video projector , in front of the board , behind florent he is red and he isn’t in t-shirt.


    Next I am in blue coat , in brown jeauns , white shoes but not see because I have hide.


    Finaly my ears be pixie cut and blond , my nose be staight nose, I am tall , well and young.




    My name is Sydney.


    First, In the photo I’m in the first row. I am next to Matisse Raoul but not Eloi Richard. The girl who is next to me is crossing her arms. I'm sitting next to someone who is standing.


    Then, I’ tall and not fat. I have short curly brown hair but you can’t see on the picture because I’m wearing a cap. I’m wearing tracksuit and gloves and I’am wearing a sleeveless winter jacket. I have Air MAX grey and black.


     Finally, I’m not standing but I’m not sitting on the floor. On the photo I smile and I make “V” with my finger. I do not have my hands in my pockets. My cap is camouflage style and she is “L.A” cap.



    My name is Zoé.

    I’m between Ines and Clément who has got a the red sweater.

    I am on the right of the picture.

    I’m in front of the whiteboard and Burak.



    I have got brown straight hair. I wears leather a light jacket a light brown sweater.

    I have got black jeans.

    I wear white and red sneackers on the back .

    I have got green eyes.


    I have my head resting on the shoulder of Ines.

    I have my hand on my thigh.

    I have feet laying on the chair.


    The last pupil who hasn't written her description is CAMILLE. She is a girl. 



    3D class

    Hello my name is Armelle I am 14 years old, am young.

    I have a dark complexion

    my eyes is oval and brown

    I have a round face, i have thin lips and medium mouth

    I have a straight nose

    I have a brown long hair

    my hair is a bun

    I am near Camille and in front of Faustin

    I wear a burgundy cardigan in the picture



    Hello my name is Bastien.

    First, I’m tall and well. I have got a squar face and a small mouth, I have got a short black hair as well brown eyes and a small nose.

    After, I have got a black and white tracksuit , a blue jacket Tommy Hilflinger but we can’t see my shoes and my t-shirt.

    Then, I’m on the left to friends wich is calle Sheerel, she is tall and she wears a black jacket.I near of a blond girl. I’m behind a table and I make signs with my hands. I position my self second place and I’m standing. I’m surrounded by girls and there closer to me to glasses.




    First, my name is Camille. I am thirteen years old. I am slim and of medium height. I have got brown plaits and the brown eyes. I have got straight small nose. My mouth and my ears is small. I have an oval face. I have got thin lips. I have got a dark complexion. I’m not wearing the glasses.


    Next on the picture, I’m wearing a black t-shirt and a green khaki pants. I’m wearing too some dark sneakers. But you can’t see them on the picture. I’m behind Maelys and between of Juliette and Armelle.


    Finally, I’m not wearing my glasses and I have got a dark complexion. Ah ! I forget ! Juliette had fun to do « the ears of rabbit » behind my head.



    Hello my name is Chloe, I’m 14 years old. My face is round. I have got blue eyes and long brown hair. My mouth is small and I have got thin lips. I’m Medium-height. I have got a pale complexion. I have got three beauty spot but you can’t see it on the pic.



    On the picture, I’m on the chair because I’m behind other pupils and my right arm is on Thomas. At that moment, I’m wearing a grey sweatshirt and a black jean but my jean is invisible on the pic.



    I’m between Manon and Thomas. I’m in front of the white board. If you want to see, Manon is making a heart with her fingers.



    Hi my name is Elliot I’m fourteen.

    First, I am wearing a black t-shirt, black jeans and red runners.

    Next, I’m sitting in front of a boy with a blue sweat and my legs are on a chair.

    Then I am between Maël et Killyane.

    After that, I have short straight brown hair.

    I have blue and green eyes, I’v got thin lips, I have a straight nose, I have small ears.

    I am medium height, I’v got an oval face and I’m thin.

    I like rock and metal so I do things with my fingers.

    Finally, I am smiling a little. Good luck to find all of the people in the class and I am a boy.



    Firts,my name is Estelle, i make smile in the picture , i have long wavy brown hair ,i wear glasses.
    So, my face is oval and i have blue eyes but i did not a long nose . I wears brown jeans with a grey sweat and black shoes .

    Afters That, i next to girl that have pink t-shirt she looking angry. and be hind a girl that have jeans with holes

    Finaly ,I make smile in the picture and I put my hand on the shoulders of a girl that have glasses


    Hello my name is Faustin


    I have a grey pullover, a black T shirt and pair of jeans. I have a brown short pixie cut hair, small blues eyes. I have thin lips, small mouth, small nose and small ears and an oval face. I am plump and medium-height and young. I haven’t got glasses, freckles, beauty spot, dimples, spots, make-up and beauty spot. I have a pale complexion.


    I’m between Louis and Maëlys, I am on Sofia and under Armelle, I am in the second row.


    On the picture I’m smilling, I have my hand in my pocket. I am standing behing Sofia and in front of Armelle.


    Hello my name is Gauthier.

    I have blue cardigan.

    I am right in a picture.

    I am at the back of the classroom.

    I am behind elliot.

    I’m smilling.

    I have a hood.


    Hello, my name is Juliette and I’m fourteen years old. I have got the brown, short hairs and the green eyes. I am the of medium height and I’m slim. And I have got a oval face. We can see what I smile. I’m not wearing the glasses.


    On the picture I am wearing a black pullover and a navy blue trousers. I’m wearing some white sneakers too. But you can’t see my trousers and my sneakers.


    I’m on a chair at the last row toward at middle. I am between Camille and Manon. Behind me there is Théa.



    Hello my name is Kenzo , I m foortheen years old

    I have jacked black and next to one boy to jacket blue

    I am on the Louis and Maël , I am on the right of Armelle

    I am on the table



    My name is killyane, I am 15

    first I have black hair ,I am next to office,my skin is brown,my face is ovale, next I have eye brown, I am slimI have bleu jogging ,I have bleu jacket, I have black shoes, I have arm legs,I am stedding done am left on the picture , I have maousse normal, I am medium height, I am boy, next to boy,I have jacket puma, I am young boy, finally.




    Hello, my name is Louis I am 14 years old

    I have got brown eyes and short hair,

    I am tall.

    I have got military t shirt

    I have got short brown hair.




    On the picture.

    on the picture I am sitting .



    Hello my name is Lucie,


    First, I’m behind sheerel, she wear a black jacket with blue jeans, she’s blond with blue eyes like Thomas. Thomas wear a blue nigt polo with jeans.


    Secondly, I have a big black pullover with blue jeans but wou can’t see it. I’m thin, in the medium-height with an oval face with oval green eyes.


    Finally I do a sign with Thomas near the white board



    my name is mael I am 14 years old I live in tinqueux I am blonde with brown eyes I have short hair on the sides and bigger at the top

    I have a spot on my cheek

    I am to the right of the class in front of the number 8


    Hello, my name’s Maëlys.

    I’m slim and tall and I’ve got green eyes, a tan skin, straight nose, oval face with freckle and short brown hairs but I have plaits on the picture.

    I am wearing a black pullover with a withe collar and bleu jeans.

    Fynally, on the picture I am smiling and Camille put his hand on my left shoulder and I’m located in front of Juliette, Camille and Armelle and between Théa and Faustin.

    Who I am ?


    Hello my name is Manon I’m 14 years old.


    I’m medium-height.

    I have got an oval face with chubby-cheek, I have got a straight small nose I have got long straight brown hair.

    I have got a black necklace with my little brother’s silver ring.

    I have a grey t-shirt and grey jeans but it is not visible on a picture.

    I have got a little make-up because I like it.




    on the picture, I’m behind a girl and between two girls Chloé and Juliette.

    Chloé have got a grey sweat-shirt.

    I’m in front of a white board.

    I’m on the chair because I’m small haha.



    On the picture, I am making a heart with my fingers and I have a little smile.



    My name is olivier


    frist tshirt blue short brown hair ;blue eyes beautiful ; signe my chanteur is JUL

    behind the table in between mattéo and sofia



    Hello, my name is Ophélie. First, I am medium height, I have got an oval face, I've didn't plaits, I have long straight blonde hair, I've hoocked nose, I've thin lips, I've small mouth, I've small ears, I’ve got brown eyes and I am slim but you can’t see it on the picture.

    Next, I am wearing a pink t-shirt, I have a pair of jeans but you can’t notice it on the picture, I wear glasses.



    Then, I am always happy, I am rarely sad. On the photo, I look angry ( I just pretended it) . After that, at the moment, I am opposite the teacher, I am behind Estelle, she has got a purple pullover and she has a pair of jeans.



    Finally, on the photo, I am opposite Chloé and Thomas, I am between Estelle that have grey t-shirt and Sila that have leather jacket and I am behind Mathilde that have beige pullover.



    Hello my name is Sheerel.



    First, I am on the left of the picture, in front of Lucie, she wear black pullover and next to Bastien, he wear a jacket blue.


    Secondly, I wear a leather jacket with a sweater black and trousers clear with sneakers white and blue clear.



    Finally, I have a long ponytail blond and wavy hair, I’m tall, i have a glasses, on the picture I smile, I have got a blue eyes but It’s not visible.




    My name is Sofia. I’m 15 years old. I’m of medium height and I’m plump. I have an oval face, thin lips, a large mouth and a straight nose. I’ve got oval eyes and I have a short wavy brown hair. You can see my teeths.


    After that,

    I’m near a green chair and I’m in front of a boy with a grey pull.



    I’ve got glasses into my right hand and the another hand it’s on my left cheek. I'm smilling.



    Hello, my name is Stéphanie. I am absente one the picture, but I have the curly brown and blond haires, I have green eyes and glasses. Currently I’m at next to Maëlys writing my text. In clothing I wear a gray and white sweatshirt with a black jean, I also wear black boots with heels.


    My name is Théa , I am 14 years old. My hair is brown medium length and my eyes is brown .Im wearing a grey Tshirt and striped trousers. I have one bracelet each wrist. My face is oval and quite Medium-height.


    I am in the middle of picture , I am in second line and finally I am behind two boys. I'm not far a girl with glasses.



    Im hold the arm of my friend right of and I smile. I am standing with all my friends. My shoulder is raise.



    Hello, my name is Thomas.


    I’m short and slim.I have got a short blond hair,

    oval face, blue eyes, small nose and as well big mouth.



    After, I have got a blue Tshirt but you cant see the rest.

    However, my friends, who is a girl on the right of me is Lucie and she is tall.

    Then, I'm on the left of Chloé, in the last rank, I am making a sign with my hands with Lucie and I'm the smaleest of my rank. There are only girls around me.





    First, my name is Sila. I'm 14. I'm of medium height and plump. I have a bun and long wavy hair. I have brown eyes , full lips, a straight nose and I wear glasses. On the picture I'm wearing a plo neck and a jacket.


    Next, I'm between 2 girls. The first girl has glasses, a pink T shirt and straight hair. The second girl has long brown hair and she is smiling. 


    Finally on the picture I'm smiling.




    (Mathilde S.)




    The  2 last pupils on the picture were absent when we wrote our desctiptions :

    the boy's name is MATTEO and the girl's name is SARAH