• The dissemination of results is seen as a critically important aspect of the project

    It is not regarded merely as the conclusion to the project, but rather as an ongoing process, so it has been lasting  for three years, starting from the beginning.

    The dissemination initiatives during the first two years have been described on the page Dissemination in 'eHAND' Twinspace.

    An importan moment of dissemination has been the event in Villa Tittoni  which has been recorded as event on eTwinning and on Scientix for the STEM Discovery week

    The project has been selectionated for the Italian STEM teacher delegation for the next European Science on Stage festival wich will take place in Cascais from 31 October to 3 November 2019.

    The project has been introduced during the XVII edition of the exhibition  'SPERIMENTANDO', in Padova the 30-31 March 2019.

    Dissemination of the project: "Let’s play Games and Learn about Climate Change and Natural Disasters"  an event on primaries and secondaries schools which has been selectionated on Scientix for the STEM Discovery week

    Conference "Climate Change - A threat or a Change?"

    organised by the 2nd General Lyceum of Oreokastro

    An international Conference titled “Climate Change – A threat or a Change?” took place at the conference hall of ICBS college, Oreokastro, on Sunday 12/05/2019 under the auspices of the Region of Central Macedonia, supported by the Municipality of Oreokastro.

    During the meeting of students and teachers for climate change, the findings of the projects implemented by the 2nd General Lyceum of Oreokastro (“Βe informed about climate change, be prepared”, an etwinning project and “Effects of Human Activities on Natural Disasters”, an Erasmus+ project) were presented in collaboration with Greek and European schools. Seven schools in total participated in the last three years in the Erasmus+ project and twenty schools this year in the etwinning project. The 2nd General Lyceum of Oreokastro was the coordinating school. Teachers and student representatives of the Romaninan, Latvian, Greek and French (Reunion island) schools were present. All the activities of the schools that participated were presented, either in person or through videos and powerpoint presentations, since not all schools could attend due to lack of funding for etwinning programmes.




    Dissemination of the project - 2nd General Lyceum of Oreokastro

    Wednesday, 26/6/2019,

    Junior High School of Mygdonia

    “Environmental Education lessons on climate change”