2.1. The Driving Question: a bit of sci-fi



    The Earth, 17 April 2018

    Dear all,

    The idea of an alien attack came to our minds as a sudden flash, just because everyday news, present movies, current affairs, scientific advances in the field of astronomy - the universe / universes - give us manifold examples of both threatens coming from dangerous political situations on our planet and the ever-growing feeling that the Earth is very likely to be only one of many other similar planets;our life only one aspect of many other forms of life.

    What we thought, however, was that it is much more probable for us to be the victims of earthy attacks rather than some extraterrestrial invasion, therefore let's think of the aliens as a sort of metaphor representing any form of violence perpetrated on our planet.

    We would also like to apologize for any offence caused to whom may exist somewhere in our vast universe / universes.

    Feeling like to visit our planet? We would just welcome any friendly encounter and would be happy to share reciprocal cultural heritage, keeping constant trace of our own origins, though.

    Very pleased to collaborate to build a much better future. 

    Sincerely Yours,

    The Earthly Team