Results Liceo Calasanzio

  • 2014/15 results Carcare

    Our work began in the school year 2013/2014, when the Liceo  Calasanzio was recommended by the coordinators of the previous Comenius project of Liceo Grassi, Savona. We met the coordinators from the European partner schools  several times in Spring 2014, when they were in Savona for the Comenius Students' Conference. We applied for a KA2 grant within Erasmus Plus and got to know we had been funded in October.

    Our coordinators took part in the staff meeting in Aurich, Germany, from October 5th to October the 10th. The coordinators planned the activities  for the students' work during the school year 2014/2015 following the guidelines to be found in the Erasmus Plus  application. The general topic was RECYCLING in art, drama, music and water. We agreed on the creation  of marketplace where the stalls run by students should be as interactive as possible.

    Back home, the coordinators started work in November with a group of students who met weekly. A brief brainstorming led to the final choice of the specific topic: recycling the whole of Val Bormida, which is the valley where our Liceo lies, through the creation of a website in English which the students themselves made. A local digital publishing business, Matisklo, provided technical help. In the website Recycling Valbormida,, the students developed four itineraries - FOOD, HISTORY, CULTURE, NATURE- which aimed at the re-evaluation of the traditions, historical sites, cultural landmarks of the area.

    The final product resulted from  field work on part of the students, who  systematically gathered information- via interviews, internet searches, reading brochures and books- about Val Bormida. The students got in touch and spoke to mayors, artisans, local historians, representatives of local businesses.

    The students uploaded on the website videos of the interviews, which they also subtitled in English. The website is public and a link to it can be found in the official website of the Liceo Calasanzio.

    As a side product, with the collaboration of Claudia Piccardi, a local artisan, the students gave life to a jewellery lab, where glass balls were transformed into pendents, decorations et al. by using recycled materials. The lab was organised in Norway too, to teach students from other countries to create their own jewels.

    The students'conference in Vollen was centered on debates in multi-national groups: the students shared their ideas about the challange they had chosen to face during the project work at school. A role-play showed the solutions the students had come up to

    A traditional dance, La Monferrina, was rehearsed and just for the dance the students prepared traditional costumes. La Monferrina was staged in Vollen, and taught to the partner students.

    Recycling Valbormida contributed to reinforcing relationships with local political administrations and  small businesses of the area. The world of local cultural associations was also involved in the project.

    The week following their return from Norway the students met the jounalist of Il Secolo XIX Luisa Barberis for an interview focusing on their Erasmus Plus experience. The article featuring the interview and more was published on April 29th in the Savona News section of the paper.

    On May 27th the group will meet at the Liceo all the people that have helped to carry out the project as part of dissemination and also to thank everybody!