2014/15 results Kępno (PL)

  • The group of students working in Erasmus+ project together with teachers of Liceum Ogólnokształcące Nr I in Kępno (PL) from 1 September 2014 to 31 March 2015 realized the following activities:

    - took part in the international conference for coordinators and headmasters in Germany. Teachers took opportunity to visit partner school and meet its representatives (headmaster, vice-headmaster, teachers), to discuss about the educational system, the ways of presenting the results of project work (e.g. information technology techniques and eTwinning platform), evaluation of hitherto activities concerning the project; they also discussed the program of The Norway conference. Teachers could also observe lessons during which innovative methods were used e.g. editing texts from ready press cuts,

    - worked out and sent to participants "visiting cards" containing the basic data: student name, surname, place they come from, region of the country, as well as the photograph - so that the students could get to know better and show their command of English,

    - logged on the eTwinning platform in order to exchange information about the activities and communicating with project partners - students and teachers had opportunities to get to know themselves better, use their English language skills and use information technology,

    - worked out multimedial presentation concerning the city/region of partner schools - students could show their ability of working with Power Point programme,

    -  precised (using "brainstorming" method) the topic of the project, facing the challenges of our times - students decided on subtopic concerning the environment and regional climate changes (they focused on this topic and prepared the collage for the conference summing up the activities of all school participants),

    - collected materials dealing with the environment and regional climate changes - students working in groups were searching for information in environmental magazines and publications using the sources of school library. They could practice the skill of group work and interaction, they expanded their knowledge of regional ecology. Teachers could put into effect the innovative methods observed during the conference in Germany,

    - prepared product from recycling materials which would be shown during the final conference in Norway - students creatively prepared different objects from the waste, developing their imagination and manual skills,

    - took part in the classes on ecology, ecosystem, natural resources and harmful natural phenomena resulting from expansive human actions - students acquired the advanced vocabulary connected with the area of their project topic. The biology teacher shared her knowledge with Erasmus+ group adapting the classes to the mixed abilities of students,

    - prepared information for parents on the school information board - during the parents meeting they could get familiar with the principles, foundation and the realization of the project as well as benefits resulting from attendance in Erasmus+ group. The teachers spread the idea of the project to all the school community,

    - gained the local partner for the cooperation with the project - took part in the trip to Kępno Water Supply Company. Students visited water tower, got information relating to water economy of the region and threats resulting from the pollution of environment. They got a lot of extra information connected with their project topic. They would use this information as experts on their national stand exposing the yearly work during the conference in Norway,

    - gained another local partner for the cooperation with the project - took part in the trip to the Waste and Neutralisation Site in Olszowa. Students visited the area, got additional information about the waste economy, recultivation of landfill sites. They would use the new knowledge as experts on their national stand exposing their yearly work during the conference in Norway,

    - gained next local partner for the cooperation with the project - met the Head of the Environmental and Forestry Department in the local County, students saw how the department works, got new information about local protected species and regional rarities. They would use the new knowledge as experts on their national stand exposing their yearly work during the conference in Norway,

    - prepared notes sharing impressions concerning the visit to the Waste and Neutralisation Site. The students became aware of the necessity of protecting the environment. Teachers received the feedback from students relating to their increasing awareness of the project topic,

    - took part in English classes aimed at expanding thematic vocabulary covering the meritorical side of their project topic. Phrases and collocations connected with the topic were introduced, previously known vocabulary was revised, teacher got feedback on the Erasmus+ group English language range,

    - met twice with the group from partner school in Wrocław. Students could get to know better, exchanged information about the stages of work on the project. Teachers exchanged their observations about the local and international activities of students and current stage of preparations for the conference in Norway,

    - learned the basic steps and figures of national dance -  polonaise - students and teachers became familiar with the dance existing in Polish culture for centuries. P.E. teacher shared her knowledge with very mixed-ability dance group,

    - directed and produced in English film presenting school. Students could pride themselves in technological skills connected with making of the film. The promoting material was presented during the Open Doors,

    - worked out multimedial presantation relating to the activities of students involved in Erasmus+ project. Students could show their skills of working in Power Point program,

    - prepared the speech describing work in Erasmus+ project which was presented during Open Doors - students practiced the skill of  public performance. The teacher preparing students for the performance shared her knowledge of voice emission,

    - prepared the collage summing up the yearly work on the topic: natural environment and climate changes. Students could show and use their artistic skills as well as creative thinking ability, group cooperation and interaction,

    - took part in the lecture at the Wrocław University, during which the lecturer showed the threats for building estates resulting from nearby rivers on the example of city of Wrocław.. Students used their new knowledge for their preparations before the conference in Norway,

    - organized the meeting with parents of children taking part in the conference in Norway. Parents were presented the schedule, safety regulations and other organizational issues,

    - currently improved the realization of the project - through regular discussions with students and teachers aiming at evaluation of all the activities connected with the project - students and teachers were sharing their opinions about new information or developing skills; they also discussed how to improve the work in the project analysing strong and weak points of the undertaken activities,

    -  put all the current information concerning events, actions and activities on the school webpage in order to share them with the local community;