Zespół Szkół Nr 5 we Wrocławiu

  •  Liceum Ogólnokształcące Nr XIII im. hr. Aleksandra Fredry

    The High School number XIII was founded in 1973. In 2000, the school was transformed in a school complex where, besides the high school, a bilingual junior high school was erected, with German language as the leading foreign language.

    Nowadays, the school trains over 700 students aged 16-19 and about 150 aged 13-15.  There are about 100 teachers. Students can develop their skills in varied areas. In addition to traditional, curricular subjects, they study architectural drawing, economics, law, business and journalism or continue their education in a bilingual class preparing them for DSD exam (in German).

    The cooperation with Socrates-Comenius started in 1996 and since that time, the school has taken part in numerous projects. Unfortunately, we had to say good bye to the Comenius programme we had been running in our school for 17 years. Its new edition, since 01.09.2014 is called Erasmus+. It's  a pity because Erasmus of Rotterdam is commonly known whereas John Amos Comenius was a bit mysterious person yet to discover by students in the project named after him.

    The present 3-years-long projet responds to the topic: Think globally. European regions creatively meeting the challenges of our time.

    In the school year 2014-2015 we are dealing with recycled materials in art and varied aspects of water: from life, through natural disasters to energy.