1. Our farewell videoconference will take place on June12th. Let's get ready!
- Each National team needs to send two questions about their team topic to the teachers, Monika, Olga and Javi using the TwinMail. One of the members of the team sends each question with four answers to both teachers. Tell the teachers which is the right answer, too.
- We will play a kahoot and will have time to meet your team partners 😊
2. Our magazine will have a section devoted to games and puzzles. Each national team will have to contribute with two questions:
a- Log in at our common "learning apps" account ( try not to edit the game at the same time as other partner):
The account details to log in will be sent through your personal TwinMail.
b - Choose just two of the games already created (don't create new games) and introduce one question in one of them. The games will be built with the questions made all the teams. If one game has already 10 questions, choose another game:
c- How to introduce the questions: log in in learning apps and follow the instructions in the presentation below.