What is CULTURE? What is HERITAGE? Is it important and what it means to me? This introduction will guide you through the topic, will help you to understand it and will ask you to create visible results of your research. GO CHECK IT and HAVE FUN.
STEP 1: watch this video to understand different aspects that builds culture and write down all the aspects of culture heritage that are shown in the video: Example: greetings, dance, music, art, dance, food, language…..
EU Website for the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage: https://europa.eu/cultural-heritage/
Hashtag: #EuropeForCulture
STEP 2: Share what, in your opinion, our culture heritage is made up of:
1. - Go to www.menti.com and introduce the code 49 87 47.
2. - Enter those words that you link to culture heritage. Remeber!! You can enter 3 words at a time !!
3. - The results will be shown on the wall below as you enter the words: