7. Drafting and Editing contents



    Each team will record a video using chroma.  In the video:

    Students will say the pledge related to their topic and their mottos.  They will distribute the different lines among team members from both countries (See Instructions in  team  the subpages  that depend on activity 7) 

    All the students in each team will say at least one line :) 

    Students will choose  videos representing the other country’s topic. They can use an only one video or use different fragments.

    For example: Environment

    Video showing Doñana (Spanish Nationl Park) will be the background for the Polish team: This is a sample of the video that could be shown at the back for Polish students.  We can get fragments and they can act as if they were there: https://youtu.be/jvSJMbecCjY   or https://youtu.be/4fodo8ipFCw

    Video showing Ojców (Polish National Park) will be the background for the Spanish team: https://youtu.be/puNTUBG7UbY

    Students can pretend they are walking in a museum or a forest... Write a small script according to the video and their topic. If it is possible have a bit of the video performing without words to use it in an introductory video like https://youtu.be/DNHqmLn6I6k

    Videos from both countries for the same team will be put together to  become a team video showcasing their topic.  

     Each part of the video should last 1 minute 30 seconds.  Both videos by the two country members should last 3 minutes.


    If you don't know what is chroma, have a look at these videos that explains how chroma works;

    https://youtu.be/0L34HsXXU00  or   https://youtu.be/AG-6P7IlLOY

    We want to give special thanks to Gonzalo for his great job fixing videos so that they could be edited using chroma. Thanks, Gonzalo!! We couldn't have done it without your help :)



     Each team will have a special room where they will create their article: Polish and Spanish students.

      The templates of the  three first  pages  will be the same for each team.  These pages will have the same template with different colours. Then each team can add more pages if they want or need to. Those pages will be their own choice.


              Page 1                         Page 2                           Page 3                                    Page 4

    Write a first draft in a shared document .  Follow the instructions that you can find on your team page.  

    Before editing the article in madmagz, ask one of the teachers to correct the content.

    Choose the pictures (free) for the article

     Enter your Madmagz room and edit your team article. See instructions on your team subpage. Be careful not to delete partners' work. 

    Send the article when it is ready.


