Our project

  • Our little robots will try to discover S.T.E.M. (= 4 superheroes with special features and properties) :

    Shady: the human shadow,

    Thor: a superhero who can use the power of water,

    Electra: a superhero who can handle electricity and

    Magneta: a superhero with magnetic skills,

    in order to help them solve a mystery script…



    Little pupils from different countries will:

    • approach the STEM method through planning, designing, participating, questioning, observing and testing out their ideas
    • practice in problem solving, working in groups, developing critical thinking skills and algorithmic thinking skills through several activities
    • develop their creativity and imagination, communication and collaboration, innovation, love for learning, self-esteem and self-confidence
    • practice in programming little robots (bee-bot, blue-bot).


    Work process

    1. Each school takes on the obligation to mold one of the characters/superheroes and create his/hers traces.
    2. The traces will be objectives, photos or substances, that we will bring in our classroom and let our pupils: 
    • observe
    • test
    • experiment
    • speculate
    • come to conclusions about these materials and the phenomenon they examine.

          3 . With all the traces we will create a collaborative carpet for our little robots. All the schools discover the superheroes’ traces by using their little robot.

          4. For every trace there ‘ll be a challenge given in a QR code (behind the trace-card), which we are called to implement and present it to the other schools.

          5. After finding all the 4 superheroes and discovering their special properties, we have to find out how they will use their power to break loose and create an escape game with cards, puzzles and quizzes.


    Expected results

    For our pupils

    They will get acquainted with science, technology and maths.

    They will amuse themselves by coding little robots.

    They will develop observing, thinking, planning, communicating and investigating skills.


    For teachers

    We will exchange teaching practices, ICT tools, innovative methods.

    We will practice in new implements.


    For the community

    We will achieve an opening of the school towards community and a sharing of our innovative experiences.


    For parents

    They will see different practices in class and innovation in their kids’ schedule.