Monsters around us...

  • Do you like monsters ? What is your favourite monster story ? What about drawing a collaborative monster and create a little story with it (for example a story taking place in France, another one in Greece and the last one in Spain) ? France could start with drawing the head, Greece could draw the body and Spain could draw the legs and feet ? Are you in ?

    Please answer quickly because we'll be on holiday on February the 13th !!

    The French team


    Here is the beginning of our favourite monster story "the Gruffalo" retold by the 4 years old pupils...

    Our collaborative monster for our project is finished. France created the heads, Greece created the body, Spain created the legs. Each country gave a part of the monster's name : Nan(France), Tit (Greece), Fet (Spain). Our monster is called NANTITFET !

    Here it is


    Now each partner is creating a story taking place in its city with Nantitfet !


    Here is a part of our work on the monster topic:



    VERY CREATIVE WORK! My students and I loved it! I think it's the most creative project about monsters I've ever seen!!!

    My students say your students are so lucky, because the can model monsters while they are sitting exams! jajajaja  Well, I told them they're older, so they should do fifty/fifty ;) 

    Congratulations and thanks for sharing!!!

    Catalonia (Spain)

    Thankyou so much Carol ! Of course my children are younger and this is easier to work this way. Tell your pupils that they are welcome in our class whenever they want !!

    Murielle and the french team

    The monster song and the rhyme for our radio program :


    Here is our podcast for the collaborative monster program :



    Nantitfet in Athens-Greece



    De la Salle Private Primary School Thessaloniki


    The story 




    Here our ebook with our stories :