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    B- Presentations

    One of the goals of the project was to attain students with ICT skills and help them with stage fright. So with the help of their teachers our students prepared these slides and developed their computer skills. And they presented them in a multicultural, multilingual environment. The topics were chosen from easy to difficult. The topics and presentations are as follows:

    1- Country - Town -School

    At the start of the project the project partners got to know each others country, city and school. These slides are on Google Drive

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    2- Health services distribution in countries

    Second topic was healthcare distribution in partner countries. Students investigated the healthcare system of their own country, found out the positive and negative aspects of the healthcare distribution system.

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    3- Eating Disorders and their treatment at home countries

    The third topic investigated before the Italian mobility was Eating disorders. Students were assigned to research about the treatments in their home countries. They learnt about the psychological aspect of eating related disorders.

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    4- Traditional Ancestral sports

    The topic investigated before the mobility in Poland was the traditional sports done in partner countries. Students made a research about the topic and shared their findings.

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    5- Healthy lifestyle according to teenagers

    The last topic researched before the mobility in Germany was the teenagers' point of view to a healthy lifestyle. The students in the project group came together and decided on the main aspects of healthy lifestyle according to them.

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    C- Surveys

    Survey planning, application and evaluation of statistical data was one of the key skills we aimed to develop within participants. So together with the student group in our schools we had classes to teach about survey making. We decided about the questions and question types, we learnt about online survey making. we applied the surveys within our school and collected data. Then we evaluated and recorded our findings to diagrams, charts, and verbal explanantions. The surveys and findings are as follows:

    1- Tobacco use

    Tobacco and tobacco related products are consumed by teenagers at our schools. We tried to find out the causes of tobacco use and common points of smokers.

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    2- Body image perception

    Negative body image is another problem related to health. We tried to find out the tendency within our schools. Luckily most of the participants were content with their outlook mostly.

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    3- Eating Habits

    Eating habits are key to understand eating related problems like being overweight. We tried to figure out the eating habits of students, teachers and parents at our schools. 

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    4- Physical exercise

    Lack of regular physical exercise is another key problem for health. We tried to find out the physical exercise prevalence as well as different types of physical exercise.

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    D- Lesson Plans

    In our meeting in Turkey we joined a seminar on cross-curricular lesson planning. There teachers from the partner schools and host school learnt about cross curricular lesson planning and how it could affect and facilitate teaching and learning. After the seminar we had a workshop on cross-curricular lesson planning. We were divided into different groups and prepared lesson plan samples. 

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    cross curricular lesson plan sample.pdf

    cross curr 1.pdf

    cross curr 2.pdf

    cross curr 3.pdf

    cross curr 4.pdf