“Relocate” my family or ... my family is moving
Step 1: Using digital applications or the traditional scissors students cut a family/their family from the scenery around it and send (upload) the extract to twinspace.
Step 2: The Ss of the receiving school try to “find” a scenery/background for the family. The collages (digital of traditional) are posted and students “react” on the new backgrounds.
Students in class E brought photos and worked on ppt to prepare the activity. In almsot cased they preferred more exotic sceneries.
Here are some examples
Family 1: couldn't decide which liked the most: moving from the village to the jungle or to Paris???????????
Family 2: A family reunion in the city house was relocated in the grantparents' village house where all children share happy memories
Family 3: mum and children enjoying winter in Tyrnavos are relocated in a mountain resort
a17 comenius spain.pdf
A17 CYPRUS.pdf
Wales: Relocate My Family
Relocate My Family.pdf