Energy Questions

  • Here is the 1st task. There are 3 pages of answers(without blank lines
    and enters...)
    What is energy? Give some definition for it. (not onyl df from physics)
    Energy is a ‘thing’, what can do changes to the matters. Let me
    explain! For example energy can produce force. In physics work(it's a
    type of energy) is equal to force multipled by the distance, what the
    object has “travelled”, so if you do some work on an object, then its
    position will change -> the position is a property of the matter -> it
    changes -> the matter changes (or that's true with heat energy as
    And also worth to be mentioned, that energy cannot be created or
    destroyed(conservation law of energy), you can just transform one kind
    of energy to an other(or to multiple other kind of energy) and vice
    versa). Not to forget, that novadays scientists can transform matter
    into energy, with nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.
    What is the difference and relationship between energy and matter?
    Well, in general, you can’t see energy, but you can see matter. Also,
    the energy is a property of the matter.The relationship between them,
    is both things cannot be created or destroyed(just converted), and
    they are usually togther(the matter has always got energy).
    Is it important to learn about energy at all? Why?
    Yes, i think it is. At a modern family energy is used every day, and
    it isn't cheap. We use it for heating, for cooking, and stuff like
    that. And if you know the basics of energy, than you can save money,
    and you can be sure, that you won't be fooled. And of corse learning
    physics in general is useful too, because it increases your logic, and
    it can(and it will be) help you, even if you won't be a scientist.
    Ask your parents how much money is spent in an average family for
    energy in a month. And give an estimation how this cost changed in the
    last 10 years?
        My parents pay around 50 000 HUF for energy per month(at winter).
    It got more expensive by a few thousand forint, because, we made some
    changes to the house, and we got more discounts, but we using more
    electricity now(TV, computer, laptops, phones...)
    Is it true that energy has a stong political aspects? Why?
    It’s true. There are multiple reasons, why I think it’s political.
    First of all, there are some differences in the world in terms of oil.
    There are some countries with a lots of oil, an there are those lands,
    where there is no oil at all. And oil is the first source of energy,
    so it’s inportant for every nation to have some. And to do that,
    countries in the earth have to inport oil if they haven’t got enough,
    or export if they got some remained oil.
    But, the existance of energy itself is not enough. Somebody needs to
    make energy, and bring it to our houses. And that somebody is the
    goverment. So they have to build the infrastructure, in order to make
    and transfer that energy to the citizens.
    Let’s talk about history. In 1973 after the yom Kippur War,
    OAPEC(Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) started an
    oil embargo, and they stopped to export oil to the western
    countries(mostly Europe, and America), because they were supporting
    Israel. And after this conflict, oil prices started to go up, and they
    got relatively very expensive. This process is still going on.