Topic sentences for the debate about transhumanism


    Imagine this (not so far in future settled) utopia: In your kit
    chen beside the fridge there is always a kind of nitrogen cooled "fridge" where you store pluripotent stemcells of yourself for the case of organ-insuf
    ficiency. Some twenty years ago you would have to wait for a organ from a donor
     to transplantate or maybe died as a result of this. But now you just
     take some of your stored stem cells and give them to a breeder company, that wil
    l produce the required organ out of it. Whenever there should be for example a lack of
    cooling or anything else, that could destroy your stored stem cells, there should
    be a backup of "you" in form of already sequenced DNA in the national
    database, that could be inserted into a gen-free cell.  

    Robots have gone far beyond the applications in the field of Industry; it is not in
    the distante future that they will become our aids and companions (pets,
    teachers, nurses, pen pals, co-workers, friends...) in any aspects of human life.


    Beauty Industry is as old as mankind,  people of all ages were striving for
    extension of their lives and preservation of their youth; and it is a perfectly
    natural desire to be a valued member of the community by using all technology
    available to improve our apperances."