Mobility in Budapest 10.2015

  • Erasmus Mobility in Budapest 18-10-24.10

    18.10 Sun



    19.10 Mon

    9:00                        Start from hotel IBIS to HETEK

    09:30 – 10:15      Warm-up activities

    10:30 – 12:30      Presentation of journalists of  HETEK weekly


    12:30-13:30         Lunch break


    14:00 – 15:30      Visiting the company Flexman Robotics ( )

     16:15 -17:00       In school: decide the topics of articles in groups


    20.10 Tue

    09:00 – 12:00         Visiting the Hungarian Academy of Science, biology department ( )


    12:00 – 13:00         Lunch break


    13:30 -17:00           In school: Working in three groups


    21.10 Wed

    09:00 -13:00           In school: Working in groups


    13:00 – 14:00         Lunch break


    14:00 -15:30           In school: Presentation of Hajnalka Ábrahám Prof. of PTE University of Pécs

    15:30 – 17:00         In school: Working in groups


    22.10 Thu

    09:00 – 12:00         In school: Finishing the articles and uploading them on the webpage


    12:00 – 13:00         Lunch break


    14:00 – 17:00         In school: Debate in three groups

    15: 00 – 17:00        In school: Discussing the program of the mobility in Dortmund

    18:00 – 21:00      Restaurant


    23.10 Fri

    10:00 – 13:00         Sightseeing tour (Memorial places of 1956 revolution, house of parliament,  national museum, etc)

    13: 00 –14:00         Lunch break

    14: 00 - 15:00         Heroes square

    16: 00 – 18:00        Buda Castel sightseeing

    17: 00 – 19:00        In castle: Discussing the mobility in Dortmund


    24.10 Sat
