Mobility in München 02.2015

  • Sun 15 feb.:

    departure - arriving in hotel

    19:00 supper

    20:00-22:00 icebreaking:

    Short introduction, name, age, interest etc. (teachers and students)

    To get know the schools. (presented by students)

    What will happen during the week.

    Rules during out stay

    Mon 16 feb.: all day in museum 9-17

    9:00-9:15 arrive in museum (Traudel)

    9:15 – 10:45 guided visit (Energy department) in two groups parallel (Herr Dittmann und Herr Röber)

    10:45-11:15 find the room we are going to work

    11:15-12:15 students work, find objects (get to know the museum)

    12:15 -13:00 lunch

    13:00-14:00 presentation of result of first task (recorded)

    14:00-17:00 energy demand and usage in the past, guided visit by students in the museum (recorded)

    Tues 17 feb.:

    9:30-13:30 Laboratory for Extreme Photonics at uni in two groups

    Slide in uni

    14:30-17:00 Guided tour in Munich or BMW Welt

    19:00-22:00 fasching in Bayern

    Wed 18 feb.: Garching

    10:00- 13:00 Reactor visit group one

    14:00-17:00 Reactor visit group two

    Plasma Physics Institute in Garching in two group

    19:00-21:00 Debate (responsibility of scientist) (recorded)

    Thus 19 feb.: all day in museum 9-17

    Preparation exercises and work for energy simulation game

    9:00-09:30 introduction

    12:00- 13:00 lunch break

    13:00- 15:00 bilateral discussion

    Fri 20 feb.: all day in museum 9-17

    9:00 -12:30 energy simulation game (recorded)

    13:00- 16:30 guided visit in museum in two group after each other

    (astronomy department) Petra Riedel

    13:00- 17:00 parallel with tour there will be time for free visit in museum


    Sat 21 feb.: kisses and tears,

    8:00 leaving from hotel (Hungarian)