GO! Scholengroep Brussel


    Belgium - Electricity

    25/02/2018 - Llegamos al aeropuerto de Bruselas donde nos recogió Pieter, el director del instituto de Bélgica y nos llevó a una cena de bienvenida con todos los alumnos, profesores y padres del proyecto. Al terminar fuimos al hostel donde íbamos a alojarnos durante esa semana.

    26/02/2018 - Por la mañana Pieter nos vino a recoger y fuimos en autobús al instituto donde nos dieron el desayuno. Después hicimos una videollamada entre todos los institutos del proyecto. Al terminar nos explicaron las actividades que íbamos a realizar durante la semana, comimos y cogimos el autobús de vuelta al hostal.

    27/02/2018- Fuimos a clase y empezamos una práctica junto con los alumnos belgas, un mezclador de líquidos automatizado. Tuvimos que mejorar el sistema colocando finales de carrera y actualizando el software.

    28/02/2018 - Terminamos la práctica y nos prepararon y sirvieron la comida los alumnos de cocina del instituto. 

    01/03/2018 - Fuimos a visitar las instalacones del metro de Bruselas, donde nos hicieron de guías trabajadores españoles. Después volvimos a clase y hicimos una charla multicultural entre los alumnos y profesores de electricidad.

    02/03/2018 - Nos juntamos todos los alumnos y profesores del proyecto y fuimos a visitar la cuidad de Amberes y después el centro de Bruselas, los guías fueron los alumnos de turismo del instituto. Por la noche nos volvimos a juntar todos para la cena de despedida.

    03/03/2018 - Cogimos el tren al aeropuerto y partimos de vuelta a España.

    Iván Martínez, instituto Ángel Corella


    Week in Belgium - Electricity Students (Spain)


    25/2/2018 - We parted from the Madrid Barajas Airport and two hours later we arrived at the Brussels Airport. When we arrived, Pieter the headmaster of the school in Belgium picked us up with his huge van and took us to the Welcome Dinner with all the other students, teachers and people involved in the project. We talked with people from the other countries and at the end of the dinner the coordinator of the project explained to us what we were going to do for the rest of the week and the details of our acommodation.

    26/2/2018 - In the morning Pieter came to pick us up and show us the bus we had to take for the rest of the week to go to school. Once we arrived we had a Welcome Breakfast and we met the Electromechanics teacher and students for the first time. After the breakfast we did a videoconference with all the schools in the different countries involved in the project. Then, Hugo the teacher explained us the tasks we were going to do in the days we were there to improve with the 'drink mixer machine'. After that we had lunch and then took the bus back to the Hostel.

    27/2/2018 - Today we went to school and started improving the 'drink mixer' by adding some security switches and some led lights to make it better. After that Pieter invited us to have lunch at the school and they ordered like 30 pizzas. We had a great time there together and the headmaster let us take the leftovers to the Hostel for dinner, Thanks Pieter!  After that we took a bus back to the Hostel and spent the rest of the day there.

    28/2/2018 - We went to the school and with the teamwork of the Belgian and Spanish students working together, we finished improving the machine by updating the software so that it worked better. Then the school invited us to have lunch there and it was very special because the students cooked the food we ate. We really had fun talking and joking with the teachers and students there.

    1/3/2018 - Today we went to visit the metro installations in Brussels and they showed us how they fix engines and brakes and how they test them. All of the workers and instructors were very nice and explained everything to us and solved our questions. Then we went back to class to talk about multiculturalism.

    2/3/2018 - Today all of the people involved in the project and from all the different specialities got together and we went to visit Antwerp and then the city. Our guides were the tourism students and they did a great job showing us the place. At night we went to the Hotel the teachers were staying at to have a goodbye dinner. We had so much fun! At the end several teachers and the coordinator did their speech and it was a very emotional moment for all of us.

    4/3/2018 - Today, with a heavy heart we said goodbye to Brussels and all the kind people we met there and took a train to the airport. Checked in and flew back to Spain.

    In my opinion this was a wonderful and fantastic project because it brings people toghether and destroys the barriers of languages and countries. We all felt like we came from the same place and there were no differences amongst us, we were just being human.

    Francisco Benavente - IES Ángel Corella