The European Parliament

  • The European Parliament constitutes one of the seven institutional bodies of the European Union according to the Treaty on the European Union Article 13 (TEU), which practically means that the European Parliament has an enacted role in the production and the interpretation of the European law. It is composed of the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who are representatives of the Union’s citizens and it is the only one EU directly elected body by voters in al l Member States to represent people’s interests with regard to EU law making. Moreover, the EP makes sure that other EU institutions are working democratically

    The European Parliament organization

    1. The President of the European Parliament: The President, elected for two and a half years supervises the work of the Parliament and its constituent bodies as well as the debates in plenary and constituent bodies as well as the debates in plenary and also observes and ensures that Parliament’s Rules of Procedure are rightly followed
    2. The Members of the European Parliament: The European Parliament is constituted by 751 Members elected in the 28 Member States of the EU for a five year period. The seats allocation is based on the population of each Member State.
    3. The political groups: The Members of the EP are organized in political groups and not by nationality. Within the current EP there are 7 political groups: European's Political Party, the Progressive Alliance of the Socialists and Democrats, the Renew Europe, the Greens, the Identity and Democracy, the European Conservatives and Reformists and the Confederal Group of the European United Left Nordic Green Left.
    4. The Committees: There are 20 parliamentary committees which responsibility lays on the preparation of Parliament’s plenary sittings. Each committee consists of 25-- 73 MEPsand includes a chair, a bureau, and a secretariat. The committees are debating one or two times within a month publicly in Brussels during which the MEPs develop, modify and adopt legislative proposals and reports

    The Lisbon Treaty (2009), the latest version of the European Treaties, has extended even more its powers and nowadays the European Parliament enjoys the widest range of responsibilities in the history of the Union since it is delineated as a crucial decision making factor Thus, its powers are the following:

    1. Legislative powers: The European Parliament acting as a co-legislator is responsible for adopting EU legislation in cooperation with the representatives of EU governments in the Council.
    2. Budgetary powers: The European Parliament, together with the Council, decide on the annual EU budget
    3. Supervisory powers: The European Parliament supervises the work of the European Commission, oversees the work of the other EU institutions as well and cooperates with national parliaments of EU countries



  • Write where are you from and how many members your country has in EP