Italy 1 - Our work in a book that goes from country to country

  • From October 2018 to February 2019 the

    students of the Istituto Comprensivo

    "Giovanni XXIII" of Mogliano and Petriolo

    complete the

    partnership's Log Book with all the most

    meaningful learning experiences about

    Transports in past, present and future.   



    Our Region -  our Villages  - our School 


    Together with our friends from Europe



    At Christmas Time



    Children and pupils' learning activities about TRANSPORTS



    Sustainable Mobility Week in Mogliano by the students, teachers and

    staff of the Istituto Comprensivo "Giovanni XXIII". 



    Students and teachers learn about the transports in the Marche

    Region - problems and strengths


    Pupils and teachers share the results of their learning with the

    parents' community.




    Educhange experience about the GLOBAL GOALS for a sustainable




    LEARNING BY DOING the future means of transports:

    use of recicled materials to build  prototypes of the future
