Mobility to Mogliano-Petriolo 15th-19th April 2018

  • Our second Mobility as part of our Erasmus + project, Transport in the Past, Present, Future was to the pictuesque village of Mogliano  in the Marche Region of Italy. 

    We spent our time in the region experiencing the wonderful hospitality and culture of our Italian hosts. We were warmly welcomed in their schools and were greeted sincerely by the children and staff, who treated us to a school concert with traditional music and dance.The children wore traditional dress and we were asked to participate, which we enjoyed very much. We spent two days shadowing the teachers in their schools and observed the teaching methodologies and techniques they use as we visited and interacted the children in their classrooms. The children asked us questions about our schools and our countries. we got the opportunity to chat with the children and have a look at their copies and school work, which was very interesting.

    It was fantastic to engage with the children in these schools and acknowledge their hard work on the Erasmus + Project on Transport in the Past, Present and Future.  Their work was evident in the beautiful art displays and notice boards that filled the school. 

    It was a positively wonderful experience both personally and professionally. We have returned to Ireland highly motivated to share our experience with the children in our school and our colleagues  here.