Introduction Stage




    The main goal of this stage is to help students understand better what LITERATURE is. For that, we have proposed three activities:

        Activity 1: Using the tool "Answergarden" the students will write what literature means to them. After that, in class,  the students ideas will be analyzed to reach an agreement about the meaning of literarure.

        Activity 2: A brainstorming session on the different literary genres will be conducted with the students. After this refreshment of ideas, students will use the tool "Tricider" to write the genre they like the most. Taking into account their preferences related to the literary genres, international groups will be made for future collaborative activities.

        Activity 3: A collaborative canvas with the general information of the book will be made. Each school will have a different researching task. Go to google docs to check your task.

    A subpage has been created for each activity with the different steps to follow.


    **Here in this video you can see a summary in images of everything we have done throughout this stage**:

        CEIP Serrano Clavero, Requena (Spain)

    Class 6th B (Comba)