Project Planning


    Google docs:


    1) Warm-up. Presentation stage.

    • Registration of our students in the twinspace.
    • Introduction of teachers and schools.
    • This is Europe: Location of schools, cities and countries in the map.
    • Logo design.


    • Bridge of wishes for Chistmas
    • Videoconference


    2) Introduction stage.

         1st activity:

    • Raise the question "What is literature for you?" to your pupils. Open a debate. Guide your pupils to find the correct answers. Ask them to write the answers on the tool "AnswerGarden" :

          2nd activity:

    • Pre-teach words such as blurb, plot, character, setting, layout, genre... using books they have already read. Ask your pupils about the literary genre they like to read the most. Ask them to write their answers in "tricider". You'll find the link below. Pupils must write their names and name of the town when it is required so we'll be able to make the groups later.


    • Don't forget there is a thread  in "Forums" where you and your pupils can write your  ideas about your favourite books.

         3rd activity:

            Go to the link below and -together with your pupils- complete the information you previously chose:


    3) Literary gatherings

    Along the next months we will read the differente chapters of the book. The idea is to follow the next steps:

    - Reading of the chapter with all the students either in class or at home.

    - Underlining of the paragraph the student like the most saying their reasons.

    - Sharing of ideas, feelings, doubts...related to the chapter.

    - Sharing of ideas in the forum created in the twinspace:


    4) Final stage "Beyond the reading"

    Along these two last months we will work in international groups. There will be 4 collaborative activities with which students will analyze their feelings after reading the story, check their understanding, create new tricks and put themselves in the shoes of the ghost.

    So there are 4 collaborative activities:
    - Fantasy group: "Let's draw together".- they have to design the cover of the book trying to express their feelings on it. It's for that reason that I have added to that page the graphic with the meaning of the colours. Pupils are going to use the tool Twiddla. There is a chat on the right where they can write their names and write the reason of their drawing. There are too many students so they will have to concrete their feelings in one-two drawings or photo or whatever.
    - Action and horror group: "An interview to the ghost".- Students will write a collaborative interview. Half of the group will be interviewers and the other half will be ghosts. Each interviewer will write one question on the tool and each ghost will choose a question to answer.
    - Adventure and dramatic group: "Are you ready to play?"  Pupils have to create a kahoot to check the understanding of the story.
    -Comedy and Mystery group: "Comic strips" .- Students will choose their favourite trick that the twins played o the ghost and draw a comic strip wich will be uploaded to the twinspace. A flipbook book will be created with the comic stripes. It will be called  "User´s manual for playing good tricks" and we can also ask our students to come up with new ideas for new tricks.


    5) Evaluation

    - Students

    - Teachers