
    Our project is almost finished and we are about to say good bye but yet we still have some materials to share. During the project we have been sharing some pictures on our social networks and created some etwinning corners at school or in our classrooms. It's hightime to show us how much popular our project is. Here you can embed screenshots or pictures from your social networks.


    Funny Parrots tweeted about our project in the local community:the Facebook pages of our school and our city and also the regional forum of teachers in our county. 

    Super Bears shared their work at the school in their own classroom through photos of Angel and Blacky, their drawings, group photos and Easter greetings pictures.




    Caldes de Malavella, Catalonia, also worked to desseminate this project. We went to the local radio to talk about it and we publish many of the project activities on school social media. 


    Ali Rıza Efendi Primary School from Turkey  desseminated the project.Pretty Kitties published the news and activities related to the project on the page of Ministry of National Education (EBA), the school website and the social media.


    Cute Hedgehogs from Poland shared their work in the eTwinning project by creating exhibition of their work at school:

    Fluffy Rabbits desseminated the project. We shared all the information on Facebook and also we have an Etwinning wall in our classroom.

    So proud to show to teachers of other countries our project LITTLE VETS WITHOUT BORDERS during the Contact seminar in Prague.

    Little Sparrows created their eTwinning corner for dissemination!!!They are so proud to show all their works:-)))))