
    Ok, now we all know that we speak different languages...but how about pets? Do they "speak" different? Write on the padlet how cats and dogs "speak" in your country and let's see if they all speak the same!

    Each group can choose a different colour in their padlet additions.

    We have made an ebook with different pets languages in each country and the own students has recorded themselves talking as cats and dogs! 


    Made with Padlet

    We write it different in each country and now we are going to discover if it sounds different! Listen to our ebook!

    Book titled 'Pets talk in different languages'Read this free book made on StoryJumper!function(){function d(){"undefined"==typeof SJMakeBookOpenLightBox?--c>0&&setTimeout(d,100):SJMakeBookOpenLightBox()}function e(){/in/.test(document.readyState)?setTimeout(e,9):d()}var a="https:"==document.location.protocol?"https:":"http:";if("undefined"==typeof SJScriptLoaded){window.SJScriptLoaded=!0;var b=document.createElement("script"),c=10;b.src=a+"//",document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b),e()}}();