SMARTY the traveller pet

  • S

    Dear friends, this is Smarty's ebook. Smarty will share the stories prepared by the Romanian students for each country in the project. You are invited to read and make your own pages inside this book. Let's all have a nice adventure together!

    Book titled 'SMARTYthe funny traveller'Read this free book made on StoryJumper!function(){function d(){"undefined"==typeof SJMakeBookOpenLightBox?--c>0&&setTimeout(d,100):SJMakeBookOpenLightBox()}function e(){/in/.test(document.readyState)?setTimeout(e,9):d()}var a="https:"==document.location.protocol?"https:":"http:";if("undefined"==typeof SJScriptLoaded){window.SJScriptLoaded=!0;var b=document.createElement("script"),c=10;b.src=a+"//",document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b),e()}}();


    SMARTY said GOOBYE to the FUNNY PARROTS team in Mangalia, Romania. He is on his way to CATALONIA. Smarty carries along all the good wishes, best thoughts and warm hugs for all the teams in our project. His right wing is full of stories. Each country will find a story about the symbol pet they chose. Please read it and send your feedback in the form of a drawing, recording or any kind of presentation you like so we can upload it on the etwinning platform. Don't forget to take photos! There are also funny questions chosen by our students for your teams (one question for every country) under the form of a parchment. Please read it and feel free to write your own questions for the FUNNY PARROTS team on the  same piece of paper. May his voyage be successful and enjoyable!


    Hello, dear friends! I am Smarty, the Romanian funny parrot. I am going to pay visits to each of you in order to give you the whole load of warm hugs from my little Romanian kids. I also have the mission to carry on little messages for each country in the project. You will find these messages in the little envelopes on my left wing. You are invited to open the envelope addressed to your country, to read the message and post the answer in the other envelope on my right wing. It's easy. I am just waiting to see your faces when you open the box. Please don't faint. I know I am the most beautiful parrot in the world but I am modest, too. :)))) Please take pictures so I can show them to my Romanian kiddos when I come back. My route is simple: Romania - Catalonia - Ukraine - Turkey - Poland - Armenia - Finland – Italy – Bulgaria.  See 'ya!

    In this Thinglink you can post all the videos, images, comments...that you want related to Smarty's visits! Use the picture of your mascot to post your materials:

    Use the red colour to add your own material and Little parrots from Romania (Smarty's owners) will use the green to add their own comments and answers to the rest.


    Smarty has arrived in Italy:-)))

    Smarty has arrived in Armenia