• The different countries of the project are going to make a vote process in class to choose the name of their group. For some of our youngest pupils, it is easier to remember names of the animals than countries. So we are going to choose a name and we are going to built up a common mind map with our country flags, name of the group and photo.

    This is the result of our collaborative mind map. Now we can perfeclty see who is who in our project:


        Hello  from Armenia! Students of the 4th class voted for their name of the group! There were three proposals: a white swan, a tender fawn and a little squirrel. (I wrote the words in Armenian on the blackboard, and then I translated them into English and presented them with cliparts). The pupils have chosen the name for the group "Tender  Fawns". They are very happy!


    Hello from Mangalia, Romania. Our 1st graders chose a nice symbol for our project: they are going to be THE FUNNY PARROTS. The discussions today were vivid and sometimes really tense ( :D) but in the end the votes decided the name. There were four suggestions: FISH, PARROTS, BUTTERFLIES AND HORSES. (I wrote the words in Romanian on the blackboard and then I translated them into English and represented them by cliparts) PARROTS won because parrots are FUNNY. Here are some pics from the lesson today - one of the funniest and most interesting ever, as the children said in the end.

    Hello from Catalonia! the 2nd grade stududents have voted for their group name! First we've checked some animal names on the board. Then, with another colour we've added some adjectives that we already knew (big, little, funny, long...). Each student has chose an animal name and an adjective (yellow words). They've drawns a circle around the choosen ones and they've written them in the "Answergarden" tool. It was the first time we used this tool and we've had fun!


    Hello from TURKEY! 2nd grade students have chosen a name for their group.Firstly,they have said the the name of animals they remembered.Later they have talked about them and written some adjectives related to the animals.There were proposals, so the students have voted the names in class.At last ''Pretty Kitties'' have won. At first,I have written all of the things in Turkish then I've written them in English.They were very happy. HELLO FROM ITALY! TODAY WE CHOSE OUR GROUP NAME! The choice was among 3 animals: lucky owl, clever dolphin and little sparrow. My students handed up according to the animal shown. The winner was : LITTLE SPARROW. We enjoyed a lot!!!!

    Hello from Super Bears from Finland!

    Our group voted today and there were many alternatives to choose from: reindeers, foxes, horses, tigers, lions etc. Last two alternatives were foxes and bears. Bears got majority of the votes. Then we started thinking about what kind of bears do we want to be and came up with four suggestions: red, roary, cute and super. Then we voted again and we got our group name - Super Bears <3