Environmental protection - English outcomes

  • Environmental protection certainly is among the global challenges and therefore also between our themes we deal with. Here you can see our English outcomes.

    1) ZŠ Kosmonautů 15, Ostrava-Zábřeh, Česká Republika

    At our school, we helpto protect the environment by cleaning our school surrounding, collecting paper, electrical appliances, caps from PET bottles and used oil. Several times a year our school organize the old paper collection. This May, 111 pupils took part and gathered 4 432 kg of paper. Class 2. D brought 552 kg, but they took only the second place. Because the class 4. C had the highest number of kilograms per pupil. In this class are only 14 pupils, and they brought together 398 kg, it is about 28 kg per pupil. In the third place was 5. A class with 532 kg. In the individual category were awarded 29 pupils who collected more than 50 kg, and among them was a member of our team of Fatty Pillows from 7. A class - Tereza Bouchalová (in the picture).

    Our class 7. A at the end of the school year set off for a walk to a nearby park called "Bělský forest". It's just five minutes from the school and there are also wells where drinking water is extracted for the city of Ostrava. This water is mixed in waterworks with water from nearby dams. Therefore, Ostrava has the high quality drinking water with excellent taste. On the way to two public wells, we were cleaning the surroundig and taking pictures with our magic wand that helped us to put change the reality to the correct state.

    This activity is connected with the task from our partners from ZŠ a MŠ E. A Cernana z Vysoké nad Kysucou, Slovakia. They cleaned their river, took photos and then draw pictures. They asked us to draw the other half for their pictures to show how the nature would look like if we had the magic wand. So we drew the pictures for them.

    Natálie Vnenková and Nikola Bolinová said: "In the pictures from the Slovakia kids you can see a polluted river with dead fish, electronics etc. In our pictures you can see that the fish are happy and the river is clean again. In the meadows there are flowers blossoming and the birds are singing. Nature was cleaned by the wizzard Trioazak´s magic wand. Everybody likes clean river! Do your best to keep nature as clean as our magic wand can do it so that the nature won´t be polluted again!"

    And then we made the magic wand and went for our walk to really make the change. You can see what we were doing in our kizoa presentation. We were pleased that we had no work at the two wells because their surroundings was clean and the first well is regularly cleaned by the Dakota youth tourist group and the other well which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary is looked after by the visitors and the city. 



    2) Gymnázium Jána Chalupku, Brezno, Slovensko

    1.AB  skupina  a  4 dievčence z kvarty sa zamerala na tematiku Ochrany životného prostredia/ Protection of environment . Vo svojich prezentáciách popísali hlavné príčiny znečisťovania ako i spôsoby ako životnému prostrediu pomôcť. Upozornili na fakt, že za prírodné katastrofy dnes je v mnohých prípadoch zodpovedný človek, ktorý prestal žiť v súlade s prírodou.  Zdôraznili, že je najvyšší čas zmeniť naše každodenné správanie a byť priateľský k prírode, lebo aj my – ľudia sme jej súčasťou.