Sports in Bielsko-Biala

  • In Bielsko there are such clubs and sports centers as:

    BTS Rekord Klub Sportowy

    About the club

    • Full name – Beskidzkie Towarzystwo Sportowe Rekord Bielsko- Biała

    • Established - 1994

    • President of the club - Janusz Szymura.

    • The coach of the team trzecioligowej - Wojciech Gumola

    • Coach hall Polish champions - Adam Kryger

    Beskidzkie Record Sports Association has three teams seniors. Futsalowy team led by Adam Kryger plays at the level of the Premier League and is the current champion of Polish. Senior team to be coached by Wojciech Gumoli competes in the third league Silesia and Opole. While in the second league of women there is a team led by Tomasz Skowronski. In the club every day he trains nearly three hundred players and athletes. Taking care of them holds a group of over twenty trainers. Very important in the training process futbol and futsal is the fact that the Record Sports Association from 2010 is the body running the School of Sports Championship. From 2012, the school activities are conducted in a newly constructed building of the club, and in 2014 the club has its own dormitory located in the Bielsko-Biala 31 Galczynskiego street.

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