Language, Literature & Books

  • TEAM 4 -Students will collect information about the topic. 

    -Brief Information about Languages:============================================================

    TASK: Students fill the information about the Languages (French, Portuguese, Spanish  and Turkish), alphabets, interesting facts 

    TOOL: Google Docs Document:

    Here is the working document:


    - Creating infographics about Languages and Alphabets ===============================

    TASK: After completing first task,

    Create infographics about Languages and Alphabets (French,Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish)  with using " Brief Information about Languages" 

    TOOLS: Here is the link consisting various free tools for creating infographics:

    Here is the shared document:

    - Tongue Twisters:

    See the page Tongue-Twisters consisting of a Padlet:


    - Oral Literature  & Books

    TASK: Fill the shared document the information of oral literature pieces(Including tales, songs, dayings, legends) and books.

    Title of Piece (Original Name and English), Type of work, Brief Information, Related link, (Review by)

    Book title (original and English), author, original language, image, publication date, brief information, short paragraph (original and English)


    Portuguese student to understand better what is Oral Literature visit this LINK.


    Name : Ouahim Ahmed

    Language, Literature and Books

    The Spanish language comes from Latin, it is spoken in 20 countries in the world. Carci Rodriguez is one of the most important writers of the 16 th century. He wrote the Romance  of Amadis de Gaula.

      the picture was taken from :

    Carci Rodriguez was very well known for his very popular books.  The book Amadis de Gaula was in the libraries in 1508. It was published in Spanish.

    Amadis de Gaula is a chavalerie novel because it was what the readers liked at that time. The book appeared in France in 1514, it was published after the author’s death in Saragossa.

    It’s about a knight whose father was the king of France. Amadis was taken in by a knight and the whole adventure was about the search of his real father.