Working in cultural heritage
Students will work in teams, first students will collect information about other partners regions in their topics. When this phase ends students will check and validate their region information in their topic.
Buildings and monuments
1st: compile data: name (original and English), location, brief description, picture, link to website about.
2nd: put the information in a map.
Students: team 1 and team 2
Coordinator teacher: Raül
Lanscape and biodiversity
Landscape: name (original and English), location, brief description, picture, link to website about.
Biodiversity: animal/plant, name (scientist and English), location, brief description, picture, link to website about.
Students: team 3
Coordinator teacher: Miguela
Language, Literature & Books
Language: Brief description
Book title (original and English), author, original language, year (when it was writen), short paragraph (original and English).
Students: team 4
Coordinator teacher: Asiye
Arts & Crafts
Traditional arts (made with clay, wooden, weaver.... etc. ) & contemprorary arts (painting... etc. )
title (original and English), year (when it was created), author, type (sculpture, painting...), brief description, picture, link to website about.
Students: team 5
Coordinator teacher: Asiye
Folklore and traditions
name (original and English), location, description, picture, link to website about.
Students: team 6
Coordinator teacher: Raül