#dissemination Look-Cook-Book

  • Dear friends, 

    our #dissemination Look-Cook-Book page  is open! Please, share here your materials, presenting our collaboration and project results.

    Vasil Levski Comprehensive School, Troyan, Bulgaria

    Our project was present in eTwinning Live and Twitter like part of eTwinning weeks "Turning inclusion into action".

    How can we help the children understand their differences and to accept others?!- Look-Cook-Book ,,

    Vasil Levski Comprehensive School, Troyan, Bulgaria

    On 26th October our class visited our school vocational training kitchen and pupils from Vocational training class of Tourism and Restaurant. We cooked together 5 traditional dishes from Bulgarian cuisine- мусака(moussaka),чушки пълнени с боб( stuffed peppers with beans), баница със сирене(cheese pastry), жито( wheat)и печена тиква(baked pumpkin). More details about our visit you could find here. Link to ur school web page.

    Thank you for hospitality and delicious dishes, dear Friends!

    On 30th October we were visiting 1"a"grade at our school. We( pupils) changed our role- we were...teachers of our schoolmates. Our lessons was about fruits and vegetables and health benefits of them. It was interesting,fun and entertaining to be a teacher, but we prefer the role of the imps :-) Our presentation and games- here. Link to our school web page and publication.


    On 29th November our team cooked Bulgarian traditional soup "Tarator" . Link to our school web page and publication.


    Istituto Comprensivo 3 "Don Peppe Diana", Portici (NA), ITALY

    On 20th December we present our collaborative works to the parents; everyone was amazed and fascinated by the activities done until now.

    The Xmas card, from Bulgaria, now are decorating our Xmas Tree...thank you friends!

    Berettyóújfalui II. Rákóczi Ferenc Általnos Iskola

    You can read this article on our school website.


    Berettyóújfalui II. Rákóczi Ferenc Általnos Iskola

    On the 22nd of January the first half of our school year ended. My mother school with our member institution had a meeting on the 5th of February. We evaluated the first term then me and my colleague Barna Erdei/he is an ICT teacher and joined to our project/presented the first part of our „Look-Cook-Book”project and the tasks we are going to solve in the second half of this school year.



    Our book "The tasty Spoon" was add alredy in few stacks in issuu :-)


    IC 3 Don Peppe Diana, Portici (NA) Italy
    We laminated the designs of the 12 rules of good manners and we rewrote in boards in English and in our language to be clear with everyone. We have illustrated them in the classes of the school to make known the objectives of our project and then we will put them in our canteen.

    CLASS 6thG



    During our "School Week" (21st to 23rd April) we presented our eTwinning collaborative work about "Table Manners". We used the poster which combined the rules in different languages and the drawings made by you.

    Our project is winner in year's Bulgarian eTwinning conpetition 2018 in category age 7-11

    Link to the publikation