Planet X
Mission 1: find your crew
Mission 2 - show your base camp
Mission 4: feedback project videos
Mission 5: QR Easter
Mission 6:know your base camps
Mission 7: Planet X's new name
Word Clouds Mission 7
Let's vote for the Planet X's new name
Final word cloud
Mission results
Let's visit the Gran Telescope of the Canaries
Night sky observation with telescopes at Llano del Jable
Games for astronauts
Evaluation students
Dissemination of the project
Word Clouds Mission 7
Here are the word clouds with the wishes and names for Planet X:
Spain Crew 1
Poland Crew 1:
Spain Crew 2:
Poland crew 2:
Spain Crew 3:
Poland crew 3
Spain Crew 4:
Poland Crew 4:
Spain Crew 5:
Poland Crew 5: