We want more people to know about our project:
On Twitter:
The selfmade ecological astronaut suits for Carnival:
Amazing night sky watching in Llano del jable with telescopes
Proyecto @eTwinning_es @eTwinningPolska Mission: PlanetX ya casi tiene equipo ganador en la carrera al planeta X! Se ha votado por el nombre nuevo y los deseos para el nuevo planeta. Se llamará Planet Invisible? Sandu? Fire Planet? Wilson? Planet Perfect? https://t.co/CgSLAWRLfV pic.twitter.com/NUhnm64ouz
— annette.westerop (@AnnetteWesterop) 1 de junio de 2018
Astronomer's visit at La Rosa School on Facebook:
Astronomical night sky Observation in Llano del Jable with telescopes on Facebook, Adastra's page (click on the text):
The article about the poject "Mission: Planet X" was published in polish magazine for teachers "UczMY" (Let's Teach). The article was released on March 2018. The main topic of the article was focused on communication between the project partners.
The "UczMy" journal is published by the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Teacher Education Centers in Bydgoszcz, Toruń and Włocławek. Magazine
is published every two months and it is popular among teachers. It is a professional magazine focused around the subject of education.
The link to the article: https://issuu.com/uczmy_czasopismo/docs/czasopismo_marzec-kwiecie__

All the Missions are also presented on the blog