(C7) Short-term mobility in Wolow (Poland)

  • Meeting from 8th to 14th of April.

    During the visit, they carried out different activities related to the project.

    • Presentation of each school

                 As part of the welcome activity, each school presents its students and their city.

    • Visit to the Auschwitz concentration camp, an impressive visit that paves the way for feelings.


    • Creation of a Family Tree. An activity that began to prepare at home and in this meeting, a common work was carried out between all countries.

    • They also visited the Panorama Museum in Wroclaw, where the battle of Raclawice is represented in a giant panorama. In which in 1794, the Polish army defeated the Russian.

    • Another activity was the creation of a calendar "Calendar of Memories" with a collection of generational images. Old and current photos.


    • As a last activity and to keep it always in memory, we make a plantation of trees with a time capsule.