The medieval castles

  • 12th Primary School Agiou Dimitriou Athens Greece

    Medival Castle of Rhodes





    A trip in Morano Calabro: celebrating the flag's day 


    "Europe ... travelling through the castles"- Concetta Ianni Lucio- 1^A/1^G classes

    The Project "Europe ... travelling through the castles" was implemented in the 1A-1F-1G classes of the 1st grade of "V.Tieri" Secondary School and was developed in an interdisciplinary way among the Italian teacher, Tina Reo, and the English teachers, Concetta Ianni Lucio and Maria Torchiaro. The work followed the aims and processes described in the Project: guiding students to discover the history of the castles in a captivating way. Medieval history was the fulcrum around which the youngsters carried out researches, elaborated posters, visited places, made virtual trips from Calabria to Great Britain; the collaboration with the European partners has enriched the historical-cultural heritage, expanding the panorama to the European countries involved through exciting meeting experiences.

















    "Europe ... travelling through the castles"- TINA REO- 1^F/1^G classes

    The Project "Europe ... travelling through the castles" was implemented in the 1A-1F-1G classes of the 1st grade of "V.Tieri" Secondary School and was developed in an interdisciplinary way among the Italian teacher, Tina Reo, and the English teachers, Concetta Ianni Lucio and Maria Torchiaro. The work followed the aims and processes described in the Project: guiding students to discover the history of the castles in a captivating way. Medieval history was the fulcrum around which the youngsters carried out researches, elaborated posters, visited places, made virtual trips from Calabria to Great Britain; the collaboration with the European partners has enriched the historical-cultural heritage, expanding the panorama to the European countries involved through exciting meeting experiences.