Presentation teachers

  • Hi, I'm Floriana Gallicchio and I teach italian,art and English. I work in a primary school in Cosenza,from Monday to Friday and have lunch here for three days of a week. I have got seventeen children and my pupils areten years school is big and it's near the city centre.I 've got a lot of good friends here. After school, I go home and like relaxing, cookingfor my family,playing with my dogs.I 've got six dogs.I hope to travel around the world. this is all for now.


    Hello my name is Carmela Spezzano and i teach in the kindergarten of the I.C.S. "V. Tieri" of the Corigliano Rossano Italy. My section is G

    Ciao! Presentiamoci: Caracciolo Carmela  

    Mi chiamo Carmela e sono una cittadina italiana. Ho sessant'anni e sono nato a Corigliano Calabro, nel profondo Sud Italiano. Vivo a Corigliano Calabro, una bella città vicino al mare e alla montagna. Passo molto tempo a studiare per migliorare le mie conoscenze e capacità,utili per il mio lavoro e per me stessa. 

    Lavoro come insegnante di sostegno da 18 anni. Insegno in una scuola primaria dell’I.C. "Vincenzo Tieri" dal nome G.Rodari. Amo il mio lavoro e i miei alunni  , amo le sfide che ogni giorno si presentono alla mia porta ,sia nella vita che sul lavoro,mi piace apprendere cose nuove sperimentando nuove situazioni. Nella mia scuola sono la responsabile di plesso" e mi occupo di attività educative e di sicurezza. Ho molti hobby: leggere, cucinare, disegnare, cucire e scrivere.

    Hello! Let's introduce ourselves: Caracciolo Carmela

    My name is Carmela and I am an Italian citizen. I am sixty years old and I was born in Corigliano Calabro , in the deep Italian South. I live in Corigliano Calabro, a beautiful city near the sea and the mountains. I spend a lot of time studying to improve my knowledge and skills, useful for my job and for myself.

    I have been working as a support teacher for 18 years. I teach in a primary school of  I.C. "Vincenzo Tieri" named G.Rodari. I love my work and my students, I love the challenges that every day come to my door, both in life and at work, I like to learn new things, experimenting with new situations. In my school I am the plexus manager "and I deal with educational and safety activities and I have many hobbies: reading, cooking, drawing, sewing and writing.Ciao! Presentiamoci: Caracciolo Carmela  

    Hi, my name is Concetta Malizia.

    I love my name but as it is a bit long and very calabrian, I prefer being called Connie!!!!

    I'm italian but I lived in Canada for many years. I live in a small town near Cosenza where I 

    teach English in a primary school. I have 8 classes from grade 1 to grade 5.

    It's very hard because all the classes are numerous and when we get back to school in September, it's very difficult to remember about 200 names.

    I love teaching English, it's my mother tonge, so I can keep talking it and at the same time teach my students a foreign language. Children love learning English, they usually have fun and enjoy it during the lesson.

    My students' experience in this project has been very positive. They worked on it with enthusiasm and so did all the students of our school that participated.


    Ciao! Presentiamoci: Tina Reo




    My name is Tina and I am Italian. I'm forty years old and I was born in Cosenza, a city in the South of Italy. I live in Corigliano Calabro, a nice city next to the sea. I'm working as an Italian teacher since twelve years. I work in a Secondary school since fouryears: its name is “Vincenzo Tieri”. I love my job and my students because I love challenges, learning new things and experimenting with new situations. In my school I'm a " Digital Entertainer " and I deal of educational activities involving computational thinking as " Code week" , " Olympics Problem Solving " and web security for teenagers.

    I have lots of hobbies: reading, cooking, playing the guitar, Dyi, technology and travelling.

    I devote much time to study and improve my skills and my English for my job and myself. I'm happy to be part of this group E-Twinning, Erasmus because it is an opportunity to improve my own life.



    Hello! Let's introduce myself- Concetta Ianni Lucio



    My name’s Concetta Ianni Lucio and I’m Italian.

    My hometown is Corigliano Calabro, which is a town of about 40,000 inhabitants located in the South of Italy, in the province of Cosenza and on the Ionian Sea, but I was born in a small village near Amantea where I studied and obtained my Secondary School Diploma from  the “Liceo Scientifico”, and then I went to Cosenza to obtain my degree from University. For the past 30 years I’ve been working as an English teacher in a “Scuola Media”. My school is called “V.Tieri”. I’m married and I’ve got a daughter who’s studying in Spain. I’m quite tall and thin and I’ve got short, brown and curly hair and brown eyes. People consider me nice, sociable and friendly, too.

    I’m enclosing a photo of myself so that you can see what I look like. In my free time I go to the gym, go out with my friends, but my favourite hobby is travelling(I’m fond of it), meeting new people and know a lot about different cultures, that’s why probably I like studying foreign languages, which I consider very important because if you can speak them you can get in touch with people from other countries. However, I’ve lots of other hobbies, too, such as: reading, cooking, knitting, swimming, dancing. I also like eating (I love pizza) and listening to music. What else! I appreciate sincerity and trust, polite and intelligent people .I devote much time to study, to read, to improve my English and broaden my knowledge for my job and myself. I’m a group leader , each year I take students to the UK or N.Y .I know I’m getting older and older but I feel young in spirit and mind and I think that be part of groups such as e-Twinning, Erasmus and meet people gives a great

    opportunity to step ahead in the career but above all it is an opportunity to emprove my own life.

    That’s all for now.



    I am Panagiota Ktori. I am a teacher in Ypsonas A' Primary School. This year I teach Art, Craft and Design in 9 different classes. I love to work in this project with all of you.Hello! I'm Rosanna Gradilone,and I teach in the kindergarten of the I.C.S. "V. Tieri" of the Corigliano Calabro, Italy. My section is G, andis made up of three year old.


    Rosa Pignanelli

    Ciao, sono Rosa. Sono un insegnante nella scuola primaria. Con la mia collega di lavoro Barbara collabora al progetto di gemellaggio elettronico. Abbiamo una quarta classe con 16 bambini curiosi. Sono molto contento di stare nel progetto di gemellaggio elettronico, anche io! E-twinnig. Buon lavoro e arrivederci nello spazio


    Katerina Goltsiou

    12a scuola elementare Agiou Dimitriou Atene - Grecia


    Sono un insegnante di scuola elementare presso la 12a scuola elementare Agiou Dimitriou Atene. Le età dei miei studenti sono tra 7 e 11. A loro piace davvero collaborare a progetti eTwinning.


    Hello to all, I'm Maria Teresa Rugna

    Hello! Let's introduce myself - Filomena Catone

    Hello, my name is Filomena Catone and I'm from Cosenza, Italy.

    I teach in a fifth class of the "Istituto Comprensivo Cosenza 3, Via Negroni" primary school: the subjects I teach are Maths and English. This is the first time I participate in this project, and it was very interesting to collaborate with teachers from other European countries, and to see what other people did. My children were very happy to participate in the project too.

    I like to read thriller and crime books, and I really love to travel and to get to know oher cultures.