Presentation - Objectives

  • Erasmus+, KA2, 2017-1-FR01-KA219-037185_1

    This project “Track it or Lose it” is composed of teams of the students and teachers of 3 countries - Cyprus, France and Portugal all of which are vocational schools:

    • Lycée Louis Blériot, France,
    • C' Technical School of Limassol - Cyprus,
    • CIOR- Cooperativa de Ensino de Vila Nova de Famalicão, CRL – Portugal

    Our main main objectives of this project are :

    1. The ICT digital competences of our students,
    2. Youth Entrepreneurship
    3. The interest of our students in collaborating with fellow European students.

    By participating in this project all together it will enhance our innovation in education and allow our students to create a device which serves the needs of schools and also to give them keys to develop entrepreneurship.

    The creating of such a device will allow our students to use their professional skills in order to realize a concrete objective and the different tasks will be integrated naturally into our curricula.

    The work in international teams will give confidence to them. By doing so,  it will strengthen the students social skills  as well as their civic  and inter cultural competences.

    They will learn how to set up a mini -enterprise or company and use the program they have developed in order to better run their enterprises.

    We want to join to learn from each other to develop team spirit, develop and create the device to ease to track assets that are in our schools and create a mini enterprise to disseminate their device

    We aim to :

    • Enhance our students professional and digital skills in an innovative way
    • Develop skills for employability,
    • Foster  creativity and entrepreneurship to gain skills which help them to gain an easier transition into the labour market and compare the different ways of creating their own companies in the participant countries
    • Motivate teachers and learners to increase the number of foreign languages they speak and improve their foreign language skills.
    • Develop an active and conscious European citizenship to respect differences and to value each other’s cultures.
    • Develop skills in the use of ICT tools to carry out research, communicate, organize and present information.
    • Assess student skills and learn styles to facilitate learning and promote personal excellence.
    • Promote the transnational dissemination of good practice and innovation in the management of schools.