Results of evaluation

  • Some results from evaluation form:

    101 answers received until December 12th, 2015.

    131 answers received until January 25th, 2016.

    174 answers received until June 23th, 2016

    Age range of pupils involved(177 respuestas)
    010203040506070OtroUniversity StudentsTeachers1817161514131211109876543 años / years old8 (4,5 %)5 (2,8 %)11 (6,2 %)19 (10,7 %)36 (20,3 %)38 (21,5 %)42 (23,7 %)60 (33,9 %)67 (37,9 %)75 (42,4 %)68 (38,4 %)55 (31,1 %)34 (19,2 %)33 (18,6 %)27 (15,3 %)20 (11,3 %)23 (13 %)3 (1,7 %)5 (2,8 %)
    Index Recuento
    19 8
    18 5
    17 11
    16 19
    15 36
    14 38
    13 42
    12 60
    11 67
    10 75
    9 68
    8 55
    7 34
    6 33
    5 27
    4 20
    3 23
    2 3
    1 5
    Supplementary activities(175 respuestas)
    0102030405060708090OtroWorksheet 6:…Worksheet 5:…Worksheet 4:…Worksheet 3:…Worksheet 2:…Worksheet 1:…92 (52,6 %)94 (53,7 %)86 (49,1 %)84 (48 %)48 (27,4 %)16 (9,1 %)21 (12 %)
    Index Recuento
    7 92
    6 94
    5 86
    4 84
    3 48
    2 16
    1 21
    Fractals(176 respuestas)
    020406080100120OtroSoftware on fra…Mandelbrot setKoch snowflakePeano curvesPithagorical TreeMenger spongeSierpinski Tetra…Sierpinski triangleCantor setApplications of f…Fractals in natureHistory/life of W…107 (60,8 %)137 (77,8 %)74 (42 %)14 (8 %)105 (59,7 %)47 (26,7 %)40 (22,7 %)43 (24,4 %)11 (6,3 %)55 (31,3 %)24 (13,6 %)27 (15,3 %)6 (3,4 %)
    Index Recuento
    13 107
    12 137
    11 74
    10 14
    9 105
    8 47
    7 40
    6 43
    5 11
    4 55
    3 24
    2 27
    1 6
    Activities in e-Twinning(105 respuestas)
    0510152025303540OtroMenger sponge…Applications of fr…Sierpinski RoomBehind the carpetsInstagramFractal gamesMegamengerMinecraftFractals with oth…Fractals with 3D…Fractals with thre…Fractals with woodCoded messagesCarpet with other…Fractals with pap…Fractals with foodPainted fractals43 (41 %)15 (14,3 %)22 (21 %)19 (18,1 %)3 (2,9 %)5 (4,8 %)9 (8,6 %)6 (5,7 %)5 (4,8 %)6 (5,7 %)3 (2,9 %)4 (3,8 %)5 (4,8 %)7 (6,7 %)2 (1,9 %)8 (7,6 %)1 (1 %)20 (19 %)
    Index Recuento
    18 43
    17 15
    16 22
    15 19
    14 3
    13 5
    12 9
    11 6
    10 5
    9 6
    8 3
    7 4
    6 5
    5 7
    4 2
    3 8
    2 1
    1 20
    Objectives(175 respuestas)
    020406080100120140OtroTo encourag…To highlight t…To develop t…To familiarize…To introduce…157 (89,7 %)135 (77,1 %)131 (74,9 %)143 (81,7 %)50 (28,6 %)6 (3,4 %)
    Index Recuento
    6 157
    5 135
    4 131
    3 143
    2 50
    1 6
    Have your students liked the activity?(177 respuestas)
    No12345Yes, a lot!0501001500 (0 %)1 (0,6 %)0 (0 %)18 (10,2 %)158 (89,3 %)
    Index Recuento
    1 0
    2 1
    3 0
    4 18
    5 158
    Was it easy to organize the activity at your school?(177 respuestas)
    very difficult12345very easy0501 (0,6 %)3 (1,7 %)16 (9 %)69 (39 %)88 (49,7 %)
    Index Recuento
    1 1
    2 3
    3 16
    4 69
    5 88
    Big carpet(177 respuestas)
    We have already participated in a 5thiteration.YesNo time for it, thanks.I have enough with our little carpet,thanks.7,9%20,3%35,6%36,2%
    We have already participated in a 5th iteration. 64
    Yes 63
    No time for it, thanks. 36
    I have enough with our little carpet, thanks. 14
    Meeting e-Twinning students(148 respuestas)
    I have already invited them in e-Twinning.I am not interested on this option of e-Twinning.Otro18,9%69,6%11,5%
    I have already invited them in e-Twinning. 28
    I am not interested on this option of e-Twinning. 17
    Otro 103